We did it!
Community Laptops raised £10,673 from 65 supporters
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Closed 28/02/2021
Iʼve raised £10,673 to close the digital divide and support families with remote learning
- London
- Funded on Sunday, 28th February 2021
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Due to the pandemic, schools and families in the UK are having to suddenly support home schooling, an impossible task without a device or wifi. The demand is now huge.
Since the announcement of school closures on January 4th, every day we have had several schools (both primary and secondary) contact us in urgent need of devices. We have schools from boroughs across London, Manchester and Kent on our waiting list - each with between 30 - 190 children - in need of a device. As one teacher from a primary school in Greenwich, London, said to us:
"We are getting phone calls from parents every day asking for devices either because they do not have any or because they do not have enough devices for all their children, so they are having to choose which sibling can access the live learning on any given day."
ONS stats for 2020 show that 4 million children live in child poverty and around 9 million people nationwide live in digital poverty. No one should have to live in digital isolation and no child should be left behind due to their families socio-economic status.
We have called upon organisations to donate their unused devices and had some success. In just a month, we have been able to supply 28 laptops to 28 families. One recipient said:
“It has been very difficult having access to the internet and Microsoft software from a phone only, having this laptop will open many opportunities for us”
However, there are hundreds more that need our support. If you don't have a device to donate or would like to support the cause, we are raising funds to purchase more devices for folks who need it the most. Each pre-loved device costs on average £150 - £200. Our target would allow us to buy around 50 devices, a drop in the ocean but still 50 more families who can continue their education!
For more information please see our website www.communitylaptops.co.uk
Thank you for all of your support.
“I normally have to wait up to 3pm to start my work as my younger brother’s use the laptop before me, having this laptop will mean I can start my work at 9am” - A primary school pupil who received a laptop, Mile End, East London
*Note: Community Laptops is a CIC meaning 100% of all donations go to this cause.
- 4 years ago
Community Laptops
4 years agoWe cannot thank you enough. With your support we have hit our initial fundraising target of £7,500 and gone even further to our final raised amount of £10,673! After JustGivings processing fees that's £10,346.97, every penny of which will go toward buying and distributing devices. In fact, although the fundraiser only ended on Monday, we have already sent 64 devices to schools, the NHS and vulnerable adults. An incredible feat born of your support. Thank you all for your continued support and keep in touch! www.twitter.com/c_laptops
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- 4 years ago
Community Laptops
4 years agoWe've reached and surpassed our initial goal of £7,500! We are blown away. Your generosity, solidarity and each donation has been a little ray of hope for us. More crucially, it's been a step toward buying laptops and tablets for very vulnerable children and adults so thank you so so much. The current amount (minus JustGiving fees!) will allow us to buy around 47 laptops which is incredible We've upped the target until it closes on 1st March to get us closer to 60 laptops. Thanks again... and don't forget to spread the word!
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Community Laptops started crowdfunding
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Feb 23, 2021
So important to close the digital divide. Next step - basic broadband for all.
Paula Dodds
Feb 22, 2021
The Single Competent Authority - Digital Ambassador Network are passing on our award for empowering staff to the community.
Feb 19, 2021
Feb 7, 2021
D Haville (BI:PROCSI)
Feb 5, 2021
This is inspirational and an amazing cause you have started, hats off to you
Feb 4, 2021
Richard Greening
Feb 2, 2021
Excellent and much needed Community Project!
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