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Contenur UK Ltd raised £2,747 from 56 supporters
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Closed 26/07/2019
Iʼve raised £2,747 to To enable Manchester Tourette's Support Group reach charitable status and to continue their support in the North West for Children & Adults.
- Manchester
- Funded on Friday, 26th July 2019
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Contenur UK have been taking part in charity activities for quite some time and for the last two years we have chosen to nominate a worthy cause that means something to us as a team and to then push ourselves to raise funds.
This year, team Contenur with a select group of employees, customers and friends (9 cyclists in total and a small support team) have chosen to cycle from London to Paris. We will begin at the Cutty Sark in London and finish at the Eiffel Tower in Paris..... some three days of cycling, an overall distance of almost 300 miles climbing almost 8000ft, all to be done in three days in July 2019.
Our chosen cause has always been something close to home for us, mental health in 2017, cancer in 2018 and this year we will support the Manchester Tourette’s support group.
Tourette’s (Gilles de la Tourette syndrome) is a surprisingly common yet massively misunderstood condition. Onset is usually in childhood and presents itself in a number of ways. Physical tics, verbal tics and yes, in some cases (although only 10%) in coprolalia..... the part that most people recognise of swearing or other contextual verbal tics.
Manchester Tourettes Support Group was set up 2 years ago to help and support adults, children and indeed entire families living with Tourettes. The group was the first of its kind in the North West and they now have a group of over 300 individuals directly receiving and requesting help through their Facebook group. In addition monthly meetings are held where an average of 70 people regularly attend.
These monthly meetings provide a safe and supportive environment where all sufferers and their families can get non judgemental help and support as well as getting involved in various activities.
Not only does the group want to continue offering these meetings but they would like to expand even further, enabling them to help educate the local communities, employers and students to try and dispel some of the prevailing myths about the condition and to demonstrate that with a little knowledge and understanding, Tourettes sufferers are just like you and I.
A milestone for this organisation would be to achieve recognised charity status. In doing so, not only would this allow them to claim a 25% uplift in the donations they do receive but it would also help them to apply for other funding from government and also increase their credibility to approach larger organisations for support.
One of the main criteria when applying for a charity number is to have a positive bank balance of £5k. As you can imagine being solely funded by donations and maintaining the meetings and the level of support they currently offer it is going to be almost impossible to get to this level without additional help. So this is where we (and you) come in.
One of our team has an 8 year old boy that was diagnosed with Tourette’s last year and the information and support offered by the group was invaluable to him and his family. Not just with the wealth of information but more so, the personal touch. Taking part in the group has alleviated a lot of the anxiety suffered by his son which in turn has reduced so many of the symptoms. Being able to speak with people that already live with the condition and to share tips, recommendations and indeed referrals has made the whole condition much more manageable and in his words, it is priceless.
So, please help us raise the £5000 necessary to enable Manchester Tourettes Support Group to become a registered charity and for them to continue and to expand their amazing work.
Bob & Team Contenur
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Contenur UK Ltd started crowdfunding
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Jul 25, 2019
Well done.
Dave Buckingham
Jul 22, 2019
Great riding with you guys, even greater cause.🚲
David Cardno
Jul 22, 2019
Well done Adam.
Simon Franklin
Jul 22, 2019
Jordan Sanders
Jul 21, 2019
Well done Mr Weedon x
Diane Atherton
Jul 21, 2019
Well done Paul & Clare, brilliant work :) x
Matthew Butcher
Jul 21, 2019
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