We did it!
Daniel Harvey raised £535 from 34 supporters
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Closed 12/11/2019
Iʼve raised £535 to Fundraising for a public defibrillator to help save lives in the same way my friends and me saved our friend’s life last year. Thank you all
- Funded on Tuesday, 12th November 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
I have had time over the last year to reflect on what happened to my friend last June after sailing at Gorleston sailing club. Richard Brown had a sudden cardiac arrest and clinically died in front of us. With early CPR from myself, mouth to mouth from another friend and a shock from a public defibrillator operated by a second friend, we brought Richard back to life. If it wasn‘t for Heart2Heart Norfolk, the defibrillator wouldn‘t have been there and the outcome could well have been different. I want to do all I can to help this amazing charity to place more of these life saving pieces of equipment. ♥️
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Daniel Harvey started crowdfunding
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Mark Hall
Aug 10, 2019
Well done Daniel.
Wendy Griffiths
Aug 10, 2019
Aug 10, 2019
Michael Buckle
Aug 10, 2019
Great cause
Maria Buckle
Aug 10, 2019
Fantastic work Daniel, you're nearly there! Love the Buckles xx
The Coopers ❤️
Aug 10, 2019
Well done Daniel ❤️
Lauren Popham
Aug 10, 2019
Brilliant cause! Well done Daniel keep up the good work! Xx
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