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David Williamson Jones, George Syrett, Richard Binning, Roger Simpson raised £22,349 from 297 supporters
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Closed 29/06/2022
Iʼve raised £22,349 to a Dash to Poland with Emergency Supplies Run
- Funded on Wednesday, 29th June 2022
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Emergency Supplies to the frontline for refugees
Through no fault of their own, millions of people are becoming refugees overnight and the only possessions they have is what they can carry. George Syrett, David Williamson-Jones, Richard Binning and Simon Hartright have decided to embark on a humanities trip to Przemsyl (10 miles west of the Ukraine border with Poland) where thousands of refugees are arriving by train every day and need desperate help. We are planning on not only taking physical donations of clothes, food, sanitary products but would also like to raise some money which we plan to donate direct to the most deprived families so they can buy food and water and basic medical products. Our plan is to fill two vans full of donations from the Salisbury and South Oxfordhsire areas which will be handed to Bartek, a contact in Poland who is helping to organise the relief efforts in Przemysl. We will be travelling around 2500 miles over a few days with regular updates on people we meet and help along the journey.
- 3 years ago
David Williamson Jones, George Syrett, Richard Binning, Roger Simpson
3 years agoOn Tuesday we met with Nadine Syrett, George's sister in law, in Brusells who took the family to her home in Paris where they are being looked after superbly. Damir is learning English being taught by Nadine's children and they are planning on coming to the UK once Boris sorts out the papaerwork to live in Downton.
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- 3 years ago
David Williamson Jones, George Syrett, Richard Binning, Roger Simpson
3 years agoIt became immediately apparent at the station that almost all femal refugees did not trust men trying to help them. So i had a word with a charity worker from the World Central Kitchen to help me find suitable people in need and managed to pay for taxis to take them to their onward destination with the furthest being Warsaw.( see photo) It took about 15 minutes for me to convince her that there was no hidden agenda by accepting the donation with the help of one of the other refugees we had arranged to collect acting as translator.
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- 3 years ago
David Williamson Jones, George Syrett, Richard Binning, Roger Simpson
3 years agoWhat an exhausting trip from Przemysl to Wroclaw arriving at 10pm with Olena, Olesya and her son Damir aged 6. They broke into tears in delight that they could have a shower after spending 5 nights in the underground sleeping on the platform followed by a train trip that should have taken 2 hours but took 21 hours and had no seat at all. absolutely horrendous journey but we fed them all and they had a good nights sleep. This built their trust in us and with the visa situation saying go to Paris,George’s brother offered his family house for them
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David Williamson Jones, George Syrett, Richard Binning, Roger Simpson started crowdfunding
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Dave Gomm
Mar 16, 2022
Jason Bray
Mar 16, 2022
great work - only wish I could participate to help
Gill Carey
Mar 16, 2022
Amazing effort !!!
Adi Sarda
Mar 16, 2022
All the best
James Cruse
Mar 16, 2022
Great cause all - really awesome effort!
Simon & Nikki Cheetham
Mar 13, 2022
Chris Young
Mar 13, 2022
I found your story and your post really inspiring and uplifting. A truly terrific effort
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
David Williamson Jones, George Syrett, Richard Binning, Roger Simpson
We thought to try and do our bit for humanity and the refugees. We have hired vans, and will be driving to Przemysl in Poland to deliver goods and products donated locally in Salisbury and Oxford to the frontline some 1250 miles away on the 7th March.