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Donna Gordon raised £8,332 from 263 supporters
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Closed 17/11/2021
Iʼve raised £8,332 to help fund treatment for Nyia Patterson
- Funded on Wednesday, 17th November 2021
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Nyia is one years old, she loves horses, dolls and keeping her mum and dad on their toes!
At 35 weeks pregnant Arlene and Wullie were informed that little Nyia had enlarged ventricles in her brain, caused by having a stroke whilst in utero between scans. Arlene was admitted to hospital at 36 weeks gestation and induced at 37 weeks welcoming wee Nyia into the world slightly prematurely.
Since birth Nyia has grown into a beautiful charismatic toddler. Several brain scans have revealed Holoprosencephaly (the brain has not divided into two) causing no end of worry for mum and dad. Furthermore, on 1st Dec 2020 she was diagnosed with having a glioma tumour on the top of the brain stem. As a result, Nyia is developmentally delayed, when she had her 18-month development check with the health visitor it was evident that there would be several challenges moving forward. Nyia can walk but is not steady on her feet, she has a very limited vocabulary, poor motor skills, sleep apnoea (which causes her to stop breathing during the night and needs to be startled to breathe again).
Nyia has seizures, hearing problems, sight problems and struggles to control her body temperature. Despite all of this Nyia is a smiling happy wee girl that Arlene and Wullie are truly proud of. In January Neurology advised Arlene and Wullie that they could not do anything for Nyias tumour, they have confirmed that continued growth will lead to further health problem in the future as it will press on neighbouring areas.
We are trying to raise some money to help Arlene and Wullie get some specialists advise from the Walton Centre in Liverpool regarding this tumour. The money will aid with the exploration of further treatment options that may prolong and improve Nyias life. Any contribution is appreciated
- 3 years ago
Donna Gordon
3 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 3 years ago
Donna Gordon
3 years agoGreat event coming up at the commercial Inn. Huge thanks to the organisers . Get yourself along for what looks to be a cracking afternoon ☺️
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- 3 years ago
Donna Gordon
3 years agoWe honestly can’t thank Anne Armstrong & her Armstrong Angel Trust enough. Today Nyia received a donated of £4,000 from the trust to help in finding any possible treatment. Thank you is not enough, you truly are amazing ❤️ xx
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Donna Gordon started crowdfunding
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Good luck with everything! X
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