We did it!
Elizabeth Dwiar raised £800 from 34 supporters
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Closed 04/07/2018
Iʼve raised £800 to honour our Brighton Suffragettes, with a blue plaque in this centenary year of Votes for Women 1918-2018
- Funded on Wednesday, 4th July 2018
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In 1907 Christabel Pankhurst, who founded the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU), with her mother Emmeline, addressed a large public meeting of various local womens organisations at the Dome. The local press later reported that "the Suffragettes have their designs on Brighton".
In this centenary year of the 1918 People's Representation Act, giving certain women the right to vote, we would like to commemorate the Suffragettes of Brighton by raising a “blue plaque” at the location of the WSPU office. The office was one of the most active regional offices being close to the London HQ. By 1908 they had one of the first WSPU banners, which was embroidered with the Brighton coat of arms.
Mary Jane Clarke, the younger married sister of Emmeline Pankhurst, was the paid organiser of the Brighton office from 1909, when it opened at 8/9 The Quadrant, North Street near the Clock Tower. This photo was taken in 1914 of some of our Brighton Suffragettes with their parasols outside the office, selling the weekly newspaper called "The Suffragette". From left to right: Miss Reid, Mrs Goodier, Miss Gye, Mrs Brandon, Miss Rae, Mrs Bouvier (taken from Diana Atkinson's "The Suffragettes in Pictures") .
Statues and plaques for suffrage women are appearing all over the country this centenary year (1918-2018) #Vote100 to their memory. This is an ideal opportunity for our local community to raise funds and celebrate the legacy of these brave women with a blue plaque in the centre of our city.
This year we really can’t let our Brighton Suffragettes down. Please join us and share with your family and friends.
For more information please visit our facebook page Brighton Suffragettes #Vote100
- 7 years ago
Elizabeth Dwiar
7 years agoThanks to all you have supported us so far please share with family and friends
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Elizabeth Dwiar started crowdfunding
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Clare Hughes
Jun 8, 2018
Delia Ives
Jun 8, 2018
Contribution from the collection at the Waterstones "Suffragists or Suffragettes?" event on 7th June 2018.
june hadaway
May 24, 2018
Well done Elizabeth.
May 22, 2018
In memory of my great aunt Mary Clarke, so courageous, kind and compassionate, despite the abuse she suffered, and who gave her life for the cause she fought for.
Emma Cruddas
May 19, 2018
I think of the tireless campaigning and bravery of the suffragettes every time I vote and I am grateful to them all. Thank you for doing this. I hope you reach the target.
May 17, 2018
karel dander
May 16, 2018
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