We did it!
Merle Riches raised £2,953 from 82 supporters
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Closed 25/08/2017
Iʼve raised £2,953 to pay for medical treatment in the US for Reuben
- Funded on Friday, 25th August 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
In December 2016 Reuben was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, a rare childhood cancer affecting fewer than 100 children in the UK each year. As in 50% of cases of this aggressive type of cancer, his primary tumour was found in his abdomen, but had already spread to bones & bone marrow and was at Stage 4 before they had any idea.
Reuben has undergone MRI scans, bone marrow and tumour biopsies, a blood and platelet transfusion, and chemotherapy. We are helping raise funds for the treatment Reuben needs once he is in remission. This is only available in the US and initial costs are anticipated to be £250,000.
20+ employees of Elliott Masters will be taking part in the 5k & 10k Run in Regents Park on 8th July 2017. We are hoping to raise as much money as possible for this really worthy cause.
Updates appear here
Merle Riches started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Tom Cain
Aug 24, 2017
John McHale
Jul 10, 2017
Hope you reach your target well done Asad with your run from John your neighbor
Sarah Ladlow
Jul 10, 2017
Well done Amiee!
Sarah Howgate
Jul 10, 2017
Well done Aimee!
Jess Ladlow
Jul 10, 2017
Well done Aimee! Im actually proud of you for getting out of bed on a weekend :) Well done to everyone else too!
Georgia Skingsley
Jul 10, 2017
£50 kindly donated by Jon B which he won in his bet with Rhys
P King
Jul 10, 2017
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