We did it!
Dave Berry raised £5,853 from 139 supporters
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Closed 31/05/2018
Iʼve raised £5,853 to Help support Eve with a wet room Aqua shower and renovation work to help rehabilitation after her Major Heart surgery and Kidney failure.
- Liverpool
- Funded on Thursday, 31st May 2018
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Evelyn story began on the 17th October 2017 when she was admitted to Alder Hey hospital for double valve replacement, This was after two other surgeries when she was 1 and 2, both these operations were temporary fixes as it was obvious that eventually Eves valves would need to be replaced.The day of the operation came and was a very emotional and stressful day. Eventually after 11 hrs her surgeon met with us and explained that although the operation to replace the valves went well they were unable to bring her off bypass.18 Days later they eventually managed to get her off the ECMO machine, 5 days later they managed to close her chest, this wasnt without its complications. On the 27th November due to a build up of blood clot, Eve suffered a cardiac arrest, the worst day of our lives. 5 days later they operated further and removed 300ml of blood clot from around Eves heart. During all this time Eves kidneys had gone to sleep, and she is now on Dialysis until such times as they wake up. Eve is continuing to improve and her mobility
is very limited, we are hoping we can ease Eves disability by converting our bathroom into a wet room and extending the bathroom and other renovation work which is required. The list of jobs is endless. This is were you come in and hopefully together we can achieve this. So lets keep going and continued support will help Eves rehabilitation when shes home.
You have been amazing Thankyou.
- 7 years ago
Dave Berry
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 7 years ago
Dave Berry
7 years agoJust a few final touches and it’s done, thank so much for all your support , Eve loves the bath and shower.
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- 7 years ago
Dave Berry
7 years agoShower cubicle is now fully functional and awaiting the rest of the equipment. Flooring is now down and tiling is starting soon, Thankyou so much for the support. I’ll post updates regularly.
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Dave Berry started crowdfunding
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John Leggett
May 1, 2018
We had a great ride on Sunday for Alder Hey, happy to contribute direct too. Best wishes
Apr 15, 2018
Hi Dave,£508 raised by your friends and ex-colleagues from Manweb who held "Dress down" events to help this great cause
J Russell
Feb 26, 2018
Dave, Kev Robinson very kindly gave me a contribution towards your target.He sends his best wishes to you and your family.
Feb 20, 2018
All the best, hope things get easier when the modifications are made
Chris Mawer
Feb 16, 2018
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and especially Eve at this difficult time and wishing her a speedy recovery. I hope she gets the wet room she so deserves. Love from the Mawer family.
Steve Lennon
Feb 12, 2018
Hi Dave. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery for little Evelyn.
Robert Carlisle
Feb 10, 2018
Hope this helps a bit for your brave girl Dave.CheersRoy
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Dave Berry
Hi my name is Dave and for the last 4 months we have watched our 12 yr old daughter go through an amazing battle for life. I am so proud of her and her story is incredible. The support we have received so far has been outstanding and we would like to personally thank you all.