We did it!
Hero Shield raised £33,997 from 996 supporters
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Closed 01/06/2020
Iʼve raised £33,997 to Manufacture Emergency Face Shields for Key Workers during Covid-19 outbreak
- Northern Ireland
- Funded on Monday, 1st June 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
We met our goal of supplying 100,000 face shields on a non-profit basis, and are now pleased to announce that NHS NI are now purchasing Hero Shield directly.
We have passed all commercial sales of Hero Shield to our production partners, with 5% of all proceeds being donated back to Hero Shield; which will continue to operate as a charity going forwards.
Any further funds we raise will be used to continue to supply Hero Shields free of charge to charity partners and support our care workers.
You can continue to follow the Hero Shield journey at www.heroshield.net where we will post details of our charitable projects going forwards.
As a registered charity, no trustees will take any payment, so 100% of proceeds will be used to support our care workers in any way we can in the UK and Ireland.
#ProtectTheNHS #StayAtHome #SaveLives
- 5 years ago
Hero Shield
5 years agoGREAT NEWS! We have raised enough money through Just Giving and through corporate donations to made and send 100,000 face shields on a free or non-profit basis! We are also pleased to announce that Heroshield is now approved by the NHS NI and we will now be supplying NHS directly as much as we can produce for as long as necessary. Any further funding raised for HeroShield will be used to continue to provide free Hero Shields or direct financial support to charity services including Hospices, Care homes, food banks, etc. Thank you!
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- 5 years ago
Hero Shield
5 years agoHELLO!!! We hope you all had a normal-ish easter? We've still been working away, making, assembling packing and shipping more Hero Shields to where they are needed. We have sent out over 50,000 so far, and thanks to your generous donations, those NHS and frontline workers didn't have to pay a penny! Special shout out to the Northern Ireland Search & Rescue team, who have been clocking up thousands of miles, delivering thousands of visors up and down the country! Thank you!
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- 5 years ago
Hero Shield
5 years agoThank you!
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Hero Shield started crowdfunding
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May 13, 2020
May 13, 2020
Many thanks for the great work that you are doing.
May 11, 2020
Thank you so much your shields are the best easy to clean and assemble visiblity brilliant and fits really simple design fab
Dermot Devlin
May 11, 2020
From Bernadette Dorabn, thank you.
May 7, 2020
May 7, 2020
NA Gardening & Maintenance
May 7, 2020
thank you for your great work
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