We did it!
Kasim Tariq raised £355 from 10 supporters
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Closed 28/05/2022
Iʼve raised £355 to help fund the startup for Fayakunu: a communal workshop and botanical garden, making a safe haven and promoting artistic industry in youths
- Bradford, West Yorkshire
- Funded on Saturday, 28th May 2022
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Workshop Proposal
The indoor botanical garden will also feature aquaponics systems to showcase urban micro-farming in the 21st century. The garden will compost its own soil whilst growing gourmet mushroom varieties, later growing edible vegetation from the soil.
The art workshops will offer pottery, plaster carving, textile arts & dyeing techniques. The wood & metal workshops offer “build your own...” days, looking to build easels, desks, and even Stirling engine models to teach science principles and applications.
The workshop will offer its service to the community for interior renovation, bespoke design, and general handyman jobs in order to help fund the project.
The workshops will also be used to renovate the building to reduce costs. Either blacksmithing the tools, to populate the workshop or looking to crowdfund the project, as there is much-needed equipment to be acquired in order to establish the workshop.
Once established, the art and cultural workshops will inspire those youths with a more artistic nature whilst also providing a bridge for all age groups to enjoy and learn from each other. The wood and metal workshop provide exciting and productive outlets to the youths, that may use their energy on other “industrious activities,”: whilst also teaching valuable vocational skills in an order to build confidence.
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Kasim Tariq started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Jan 22, 2021
This sounds like a fantastic idea, I can't wait to learn more about it and see it up and running!
Jan 1, 2021
Oct 28, 2020
A great community project begins here! Good luck my friend
Aug 17, 2020
Hope you have a successful career.
Aug 3, 2020
Aug 2, 2020
Excellent idea. Best wishes for this project.
Sughra Najeeb-Ali
Aug 1, 2020
You have our best wishes and support in your new venture.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Kasim Tariq
Bradford, West Yorkshire
Faya Kunu & Kidr’s Workshop proposes an urban intervention looking to teach vocational skills, life skills and provide a peaceful environment for all those that enter.