We did it!
Emily Quli raised £1,980.69 from 146 supporters
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Closed 20/02/2021
Iʼve raised £1,980 to Help Feed the York School Children over the Christmas Holidays
- Funded on Saturday, 20th February 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Since the Government announcement that free school meals over the holidays will be cancelled, we felt moved to help parents and children as much as we can this Christmas. This money will go towards a fund used to provide school children in York with food for the holidays.
- 4 years ago
Emily Quli
4 years agoThank you for all of your donations, we have been overwhelmed by your generosity! We have successfully provided meals and presents to our local primary school as well working alongside The Island - a children's charity in York who are delivering food to vulnerable children. Thank you once again, as you have made this all possible. Hope you all have a lovely Christmas, York Christmas Meals :)
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Emily Quli started crowdfunding
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J Denman
Dec 2, 2020
Well done Zac Denman and everyone!
Nov 28, 2020
The Mindful Skin
Nov 26, 2020
Thank you for setting this up.We know the Children will love this!!!
Nov 4, 2020
Jess Powell
Nov 1, 2020
Oct 29, 2020
Oct 29, 2020
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