We did it!
Fèisean nan Gàidheal raised £1,055 from 32 supporters
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Closed 02/06/2021
Iʼve raised £1,055 to to help with the cost of local Fèisean providing online music lessons during the Covid-19 crisis
- Funded on Wednesday, 2nd June 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Ged nach bi iad a' dol air adhart mar is àbhaist an-dràsta, tha sinn toilichte clasaichean air-loidhne a thairgse ann an co-obrachadh le na Fèisean ionadail.
Bidh na clasaichean an-asgaidh ged a chuireamaid fàilte air tabhartas sam bith gus ar cuideachadh le cosgaisean an cur air dòigh. Ma tha e comasach dhuibh tabhartas a thoirt dhuinn, ghabhadh sin a dhèanamh air an duilleig seo.
Although they cannot take place as normal for now, we are delighted to offer online classes in collaboration with the local Fèisean.
Classes are offered free but donations would be welcome to help cover costs. If you are able to make a donation you may do so on this page.
Updates appear here
Fèisean nan Gàidheal started crowdfunding
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Kathryn Brain
May 11, 2021
Tapadh leibh Ingrid, airson na leasanan air a' Clarsach ceòl-taic airson Lachlan thairis air na beagan sheachdainean a dh ’fhalbh. Tha e a ’coimhead air adhart ri bhith gad fhaicinn a-rithist.
Apr 10, 2021
Kirsty MacDougall
Apr 9, 2021
Thank you!
Apr 8, 2021
DeirdreO Henley
Apr 7, 2021
The Feis air cordadh ri Eilidh gu mor. Tha na tutors math fhein agus tha I air a doigh a seinn, cluich an fhidheal, piano agus a beicearachd! Is math a rinn sibh uile. Mile Taing.
Kate smith
Apr 5, 2021
Thank you
Apr 1, 2021
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