We did it!
Gregg Hunt raised £1,250 from 20 supporters
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Closed 31/01/2021
Iʼve raised £1,250 to buy provisions for foodbanks. Times are hard & foodbanks are suffering with a lack of social mobility and short supplies of some foodstocks
- Nationwide
- Funded on Sunday, 31st January 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
fooDResolution is made up of a collection of individuals and businesses from across the UK involved in the Dispute Resolution sector.
Together we agree that there is no place for hunger in the UK. Nobody should be forced to use a foodbank, but many are. Together we aim to help by promoting donations to collection points across the UK for dispute resolution professionals (and anyone else who wants to) to donate to their local foodbank.
The idea for fooDResolution came from founder Gregory Hunt, who says:
"I noticed the increasing need for foodbanks back in 2018. It really angered me that foodbanks are needed in this country and that there are so many and that organisers are so desperate for donations.
I made my first donation at the Fans Supporting Foodbanks collection at Anfield in Liverpool in December before the Merseyside derby. I felt angry as my son and I handed over a couple of shopping bags full of simple staple foods like pasta, tea, sanitary items and tinned meats.
After we donated at Anfield, it made me wonder what the dispute resolution community could achieve if we set up collection points across the country. After all, the efforts in Liverpool that day were started by two groups of football fans with passion but with very little resource, and without the network of connections that we have in our community.
We now call on you – the much wider dispute resolution community - to make a difference. However and wherever you fit in to the dispute resolution spectrum - we need you to help support the needy in your local community.
If you are involved in dispute resolution at any level for any business big or small this is aimed at you – but anyone can donate! Let’s rise to the challenge and make a real difference. There really is no room for hunger in our society.
Thank you."
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Gregg Hunt started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Oct 30, 2020
Andrew Davis
Oct 8, 2020
Hope this helps a bit
John Abbott
Sep 30, 2020
Well done Gregg, good work.
Lisa Rodger
Sep 29, 2020
Thank you for this initiative. Best wishes from the team at Clerksroom Mediation, Clerksroom & Clerksroom Direct.
MJS Mediation Ltd
Sep 9, 2020
This is a good initiative. Keep up the good work, Gregg.
Irene Grindell
Sep 9, 2020
This is such a great initiative Greg. Well worth donating to.
Sep 8, 2020
Pleased to support your good cause Gregg
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Gregg Hunt
I started fooDResolution because it shocked and upset me how many people need to use foodbanks in the UK. This was before coronavirus hit, and now the need is even greater than ever before. Please give anything you can to help show there is #noplaceforhunger in our society