We did it!
Aimee Beaumont raised £48,467 from 1030 supporters
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Closed 12/04/2024
Iʼve raised £48,467 to start 'Freddie's Sunshine', a charity in Freddie's name to support bereaved parents and families following the loss of a child
- Manchester
- Funded on Friday, 12th April 2024
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iThank you so much for being here and reading Freddie's story. We are proud to announce that Freddie now has an official registered charity in his name; Freddie's Sunshine. This page is now closed as we can now receive donations without additional charges on the following page: https://www.justgiving.com/freddiessunshine
Freddie George Beaumont finally graced us with his wonderful presence on 31st October 2021. He was 10 days late and joined us following an emergency c-section as Aimee had pre-eclampsia. Although a scary birth followed by a week in hospital, Aimee & Mark couldn't believe their luck with the most beautiful little boy.
There followed the most wonderful year together, battling the highs and lows of new parenthood, complete baby bubble but also completely sleep deprived and no idea what you're doing! Then all of a sudden, something clicks, and you all understand each other. The different cries all have their own meaning, but they rarely happen as smiles and laughs are much more frequent! Freddie has the biggest smile, encompassing his whole face and would gladly share it with anyone he met. There's no ones day that Freddie couldn't brighten.
Crawling came, and he became very good very fast, moving around the room with speed! Then standing up, and pulling every single book off his book shelf is a favourite game! THE FIRST STEPS! How exciting they are! These came just a few days after his first birthday. Freddie was so proud of himself and so were we!
But then everything went wrong for us, and Aimee & Mark had to experience every parent's worst fear. Freddie very suddenly passed away. There is no way to describe the pain, angst and complete feeling of total injustice that comes with this utter tragedy. The loneliness that comes with it is unbearable.
Aimee & Mark have since learned that they have become members of a club that no one wants to be in, but sadly it is a very highly populated club. There are so many parents who have to suffer this horrendous experience, and Aimee & Mark want to do everything they can to help fellow parents who experience this.
In Freddie's memory, we want to create 'Freddie's Sunshine'. It's very early stages, but we know we need to create this legacy for him, as Freddie truly was a friend to every person he met.
Thank you for taking the time to read about Freddie's story x
- 1 year ago
Aimee Beaumont
1 year agoThank you SO MUCH to everyone who has donated to help us start Freddie's Sunshine (previously Freddie's Friends). Your funds have been invaluable to help us get going, we have used it so far to become officially registered as a charity with the Charities Commission, buy branded clothing to sell to generate further funds, get our website ready and started and to get us live on platforms to raise funds for various fundraising events. Please continue to donate so we can begin providing help for bereaved parents & families! We're getting close!
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Aimee Beaumont started crowdfunding
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Debbie Kerr
Apr 1, 2024
Dave Armistead
Mar 3, 2024
Well done Rachel on your brilliant contribution to a worthy cause, a very good effort. X
Debbie Kerr
Mar 1, 2024
Matt Percy
Feb 29, 2024
Well done Rachel x
Pat Weetman
Feb 28, 2024
Well done Rachel. With love from Gran xx
Lyn 🐨
Feb 28, 2024
Amazing Rachel !! Such a worthy cause!🥰🐨
Gill R
Feb 27, 2024
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Aimee Beaumont
Freddie's Sunshine has now become a registered charity! We now have our own JustGiving page which saves us a lot of money in fees, so please donate here: https://www.justgiving.com/freddiessunshine or visit our website: freddiessunshine.org