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Robert Leighton Davies raised £3,658.78 from 86 supporters
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Closed 11/01/2022
Iʼve raised £3,658 to Erect a memorial monument in Cwmparc to commemorate the lives lost when the village was bombed by the German Airforce in 1941.
- Cwmparc, Treorchy, UK
- Funded on Tuesday, 11th January 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
No such public memorial monument, inexplicably, exists or has ever existed in the village. It is high time that such a tragic event should be commemorated for all time.
- 6 years ago
Robert Leighton Davies
6 years agoWe still have a way to go. Please help us to cross the line by donating whatever you can afford. Every penny counts and for every penny donated we are more than grateful. It gives us not only financial support but moral support too by showing belief in the cause.
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- 6 years ago
Robert Leighton Davies
6 years agoAs of today Just Giving is halving its commission on future donations. Any donation made from now on to our Project will therefore be worth more to us.
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- 6 years ago
Robert Leighton Davies
6 years agohttps://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DkLCVqOl0Qtk&h=AT1EtEvatFyYKGzbE4ERDSDiQue8c9ZHUi8bBKjxkQjTafj58WjB4lNl99C3g6mwaN4FPyOgDrhUjXPxryFVTqMJco41tokxw7UGxgkGroaEW3Y2ltvSFBeFqfwXVQmIIC1WTQ&s=1 "Blitz Street" was a Channel 4 production (2010). It contained reproductions of the immense explosive effects of the types of bombs used by the Luftwaffe in WW2. Bombs of the exact same kind rained down upon Cwmparc, resulting in the slaughter of 27 lives, injury to several more, and unspeakable terror, shock and trauma.
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Robert Leighton Davies started crowdfunding
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Tina Lukey ( nee Bevan )
Oct 16, 2020
Well done, Leighton and supporters of this worthy memorial. As a child, I lived opposite 'the bombed houses' and played there almost every day.
May 8, 2020
In memory of my great grandmother Red Cross nurse Elizabeth Ann Jones - Wife of Stanley Jones, of 7 Rees Street, Treorchy,we shall remember them x
Anne Poole
Jan 11, 2020
In memory of Thomas Henry Jones who lived at 20 Treherne Street at the time of the Cwmparc Blitz and lost friends that night. From Anne, Graham and Lynne.
linda Burrows
Aug 12, 2019
Hope you able to continue to be able to raise the money needed. So many people are unaware that bombing happened up here during the war. A fitting memorial is needed
Dick & Pat Brown
Jun 20, 2019
In memory of all the Cwmparc residents and the evacuees who were lost or injured in this horrific bombing. I remember the huge crack in the side wall of our house, 263 Parc Rd.
Brian Eveleigh
Mar 28, 2019
Hi Leighton,This donation is from my brother, Michael Eveleigh
Mar 14, 2019
My mothers uncle was a air raid warden,we had a ash tray made out of one of the land mines that was dropped.
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