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Gavin Hillage raised £1,423 from 54 supporters
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Closed 04/10/2019
Iʼve raised £1,423 to help fund the Celebration of Barry Daly's life after his sudden departure from this world.
- Funded on Friday, 4th October 2019
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Barry Daly, fondly known as "Tugboat", "Big Baz", "The Fat Controller" and "The Cat", sadly passed away unexpectedly on 5th June 2019. It is a massive shock to all of us.
He had made many friends during his life, many of whom would like to say goodbye and celebrate his memory.
On behalf of Barry Daly's beloved wife, Judith, and his children and grandchildren, we would like to raise money to help to pay for Barry's funeral and reception so that we can give him the send off that he would have liked.
All donations, however big or small, will be gratefully appreciated by his grieving family.
We are thankful in advance, or as the big man himself would say, "Get yer nuggets out, yer tight so and sos!"
- 5 years ago
Gavin Hillage
5 years agoHi everybody, here are the funeral arrangements for Barry's funeral: Friday 21st June; 12:45 Funeral procession leaving from the Alexandra Stadium car park; 13:20 Funeral service at Crewe Crematorium; Wake afterwards in the Carlsberg Lounge of the Alexandra Stadium. Thanks for your kind donations!! Here is your reward:
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- 5 years ago
Gavin Hillage
5 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 5 years ago
Gavin Hillage
5 years agoThank you everybody! We are really very touched by your genorisity. Barry truly knew some kind people. Relief that the post mortem is over with. We have since found out that Barry died of a 'myocardial infarction', which is a heart attack caused by the narrowing of the arteries (atheroma). We should be able to give details of funeral arrangements next week, once we have the death certificate. It still hasn't sunk in.
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Curtis Mahony
Jul 12, 2019
From #PerryNgsBarmyArmy. Rest in peace Big Baz ❤
Jul 8, 2019
Ben Garratt
Jun 20, 2019
Jane Kent
Jun 20, 2019
Just a huge thanks Baz and will miss your smile on match days RIP x
Andy & Michelle Blakemore
Jun 20, 2019
Going to miss you Big Man, shared many good times with you. RIP lad.
Jun 20, 2019
Amber Gibbs
Jun 20, 2019
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