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Gillian Forbes raised £1,635.31 from 38 supporters


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Closed 06/07/2018

raised of £1,500 target by 38 supporters

    Iʼve raised £1,635 to help fund my place on the Global Learning Partnership experience, aiming to improve education in rural Rwanda for 30 days in Summer 2018.

    Aberdeen, UK
    Funded on Friday, 6th July 2018

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Those of you who know me well will know that I've always loved teaching, loved learning and always aim to be the best I can be so that we can all make a difference to our kids, neighbours and folk in the world, near and far. I also love travelling - there's so much more to this than "holidaying" but learning about cultures, global developments and again, being "real" and making an impact.

    To develop my leadership skills this year, I've been undertaking a coaching diploma through Aberdeen City Council and General Teaching Council (Scotland). It is based on non-directive coaching and encouraging and empowering others to reach their own goals and build leaders for the future. It's about building capacity, creating a legacy and lasting effect on both my and others' efforts.

    I couldn't say no to the opportunity of Global Learning Partnerships (GLP), led by the Wood Foundation in helping develop these skills and interests - especially when my Granda used to work at "Woodies", Sir Ian Wood's father's business, just across the water from where I live in bonnie Old Torry!

    So what will this experience achieve and why should you help me get there?

    Participating in the GLP 2018 allows me to have input in the classroom with the young people in Rwanda, but most importantly, allows me the opportunity to work with and help develop teachers/education practices there - helping to make a real lasting effort. This is not a project for solely me - I will be sharing my experiences with the staff, pupils and families at school to again, further the impact.

    Through this I'll be raising awareness of Learning for Sustainability (LFS) . LfS is an inter-disciplinary approach to teaching and learning that aims to equip Scotland’s young people with the values, knowledge, attitudes, capabilities and skills which enable them to become active global citizens. LfS provides a context for learning, encouraging learners to develop their understanding of their environment and consider how our social, cultural, political and economic systems are interconnected. It develops our core competencies; encouraging critical enquiry and self-reflection, providing us with the skills and practices needed to make equitable and sustainable decisions. LfS is a key area of a teacher’s career-long professional learning and is part of GTC Scotland’s Professional Standards.

    Thank you for reading this. I'm really hoping this experience will inspire me and inspire others. THANK YOU in advance for your support!



    Gillian Forbes

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      7 years ago

      Gillian Forbes started crowdfunding

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      Page last updated on: 7/5/2018 19.35



      • Ian Macindoe

        Ian Macindoe

        Jul 5, 2018

        Best of luck Gillian - I know you’ll have a wonderful time. Hear all about it when you get back home.Ian and Morag


      • Gillian Forbes

        Gillian Forbes

        Jun 8, 2018

        Hanover Street School Parent Council.Thank you!


      • Community Council Forum

        Community Council Forum

        Jun 8, 2018


      • Kate Metcalfe

        Kate Metcalfe

        Jun 5, 2018

        Have a wonderful time!


      • Jennifer Kirk

        Jennifer Kirk

        Jun 5, 2018

        Good luck Gillian. Hope you have a great day over there. Xx


      • May and Mary's friend

        May and Mary's friend

        Jun 1, 2018

        Good luck Gillian. X


      • Gillian Forbes

        Gillian Forbes

        May 31, 2018

        Aberdeen Citadel, Salvation ArmyHelen, Mark, VioletTHANK YOU!


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      Gillian Forbes

      Gillian Forbes

      Aberdeen, UK

      Gillian Forbes, a proud Aberdeen quine, wanting to do my best for others!

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