We did it!
The Graham Shapiro Foundation raised £1,759 from 50 supporters
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Closed 07/12/2019
Iʼve raised £1,759 to support mental health and well-being.
- Funded on Saturday, 7th December 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
In 2009 I suffered a brain spasm, suspected bleed on the brain. The cause was stress related. Also some of my very close family members have passed away or suffered with severe mental health issues. Since 2012 I have run marathons, bike rides and competed in ironman events to raise money to help support mental health and well-being. My latest challenge is Ironman 70.30 Cascais, in Portugal. The conditions that I have to endure in order to compete in these extreme challenges is really nothing, compared to what sufferers, carers and their loved ones have to go through every single day.
In life there is such a fine dividing line between success and failure or being ok and not being ok. Our brain is like the hard drive on a computer but when something goes wrong, it is not always possible to just reinstall the software.
The Graham Shapiro Foundation – Support. Mentor. Inspire.
There are two aspects to the foundation:
Mental Health and Well-being for the young and old.
The Graham Shapiro Foundation will continue to raise money and support mental health and well-being for: The Mase Group, MIND, Heads Together, The Mental Health Foundation, Cheshire Connect and Help for Heroes.
Design and Innovation Enterprise.
Innovation competitions to reward innovative entrepreneurs who have identified a commercial opportunity based on their research and have the drive and vision to transform innovation into enterprise. The foundation will contribute in some way to further development of the idea.
Charity No:5135641 (pending)
Updates appear here
The Graham Shapiro Foundation started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Jack Mantle
Oct 14, 2019
From Dad!
From Rob McKay
Oct 9, 2019
catherine baker
Oct 9, 2019
Hope it all went well! Onto the next challenge!
Tim Cantle-Jones
Oct 8, 2019
Hi Graham hope you survived the Ironman and are now having a well earned rest....sorry I'm late! Cheers,Tim
Sam Hackett
Oct 3, 2019
Well done mate 👍🏼
Simone Peppi
Oct 2, 2019
Hope all went well.
Mike Crockford
Sep 30, 2019
Hope you did well Gra!
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
The Graham Shapiro Foundation
The Graham Shapiro Foundation will continue to raise money and support mental health and well-being for: The Mase Group, MIND, Heads Together, The Mental Health Foundation and Help for Heroes. https://grahamshapirofoundation.org