We did it!
wendy morris raised £580 from 20 supporters
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Closed 13/01/2017
Iʼve raised £580 to support School in the Cloud, which helps underprivileged children to learn, through the support of self organised learning environments
- Funded on Friday, 13th January 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
We need more funds to help set up more classrooms, provide more computers, help spread awareness and help the children learn, help build their confidence and help them prepare for the World. The children have blossomed.
In 1999, Sugata Mitra's pioneering “Hole in the Wall” experiments helped bring the potential of self-organized learning to the public's attention.
Fourteen years of research since then continue to support his startling results — groups of children, with access to the Internet, can learn almost anything by themselves.
From the slums of India and villages of Cambodia, to schools in Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, the USA and United Kingdom, Professor Mitra’s experimental results offer an intriguing new future for learning: a future in which ‘knowing’ may be obsolete.
The platform was launched to help accelerate this research by helping educators — teachers, parent or community leaders — to run their own SOLEs (self organised learning environment) and to contribute to the global experiment by sharing their experiences.
The Granny Cloud is a fluid team of emediators, young and old, both male and female. They reach out via Skype to children in SOLEs across the globe.
The aim is to stimulate curiosity, to develop confidence and generally to have fun. It could also involve the posing of Big Questions with the children working in groups, using the web, developing search skills, talking amongst themselves and then feeding back to their Granny.
Taking its lead from Sugata's principles of self organisation, the Granny Cloud has developed many different roles within the group. It offers mutual support, mentors individual children, provides technical support, gathers data for research, explores fund-raising opportunities, promotes the project through the media and helps with the recruitment of new Grannies. The Grannies hail from many different locations across the world.
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wendy morris started crowdfunding
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Jan 8, 2017
Jan 6, 2017
Jan 3, 2017
Oct 25, 2016
Good luck Wendy
Oct 6, 2016
Hamish Taylor
Sep 28, 2016
Irene Cannon
Sep 25, 2016
Good job Wendy👍
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
wendy morris
I have recently become a Granny in the Cloud. I am 35 and have completely fallen in love with this project. It's made me see learning in a completely different way and I love seeing the children and how they interact. This is a wonderful project and I am proud to be part of it.