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Closed 23/12/2022
Iʼve raised £0 to help fund an environmental project at Calderstones High School Liverpool
- Booker Flowers and Gifts, 7 Booker Avenue, Liverpool, L18 4QY
- Closed on Friday, 23rd December 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
We are proud to be eco-friendly florists who care about the environment and the community in which we live and this year we are supporting The GREAT BIG GREEN WEEK.
From 24th Sept until 2nd October we are celebrating action on climate change and are hoping to raise as much money as possible for an environmental project at Calderstones High School in Liverpool.
We are spending the week promoting the issues around climate change. We will have a window display in our shop on Booker Avenue, we are also revamping the planter barrels outside the row of shops to have Bee Friendly plants.
We will also be running a competition to win lots of amazing prizes and every person that donates will be entered - just make sure you include your full name when you make a dontation! Plus we have a Charity Bouquet on sale in the shop.
All money raised will go towards an environmental project at Calderstones High School, Liverpool - to not only protect the environment but also the community in which we live.
More about the Great Big Green Week:
The Great Big Green Week is organised by The Climate Coalition. From 24th Sept until 2nd October. Communities across the country will join together for the Great Big Green Week. It will be the biggest event for climate and nature ever in the UK, and everyone’s invited!
- 2 years ago
Booker Flowers and Gifts
2 years agoEveryone who makes a donation will be entered into our draw to WIN a beautiful bouquet. Thanks for your support 🌿
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Booker Flowers and Gifts
Booker Flowers and Gifts, 7 Booker Avenue, Liverpool, L18 4QY