We did it!
Belinda worsell raised £1,749.99 from 36 supporters
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Closed 01/11/2020
Iʼve raised £1,749 to fund expert reports to provide comment on the planning application relating to the development of H2, Knox Lane, Harrogate.
- Bilton, Harrogate
- Funded on Sunday, 1st November 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
At a recent online meeting of residents, we agreed to commission reports from professional sources to support opposition to the proposed development at the end of Knox Lane. We are asked for donations to raise £1470 to pay for these reports.
We have now raised sufficient funds to pay for the reports needed so are asking that no further donations are made at this time, the page will however stay open for the time being. Thank you for all the generosity and support.
If you would like further updates please visit https://www.knoxresidents.com
Any excess money will be kindly held by Knox Valley residence Association, and used for costs that arise as a result of the H2 planning application
- 4 years ago
Belinda worsell
4 years agoWe have now raised sufficient funds to pay the expert reports needed to comment on the planning application so are asking that no further donations are made at this time. Thankyou for your generous donations so far. For further updates please visit https://www.knoxresidents.com
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- 4 years ago
Belinda worsell
4 years agoA Huge Thank you from all the H2 team, we are amazed at the generosity and support X
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Belinda worsell started crowdfunding
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Jul 21, 2020
Jul 20, 2020
Jul 10, 2020
Jul 10, 2020
Jul 10, 2020
D & D
Jul 9, 2020
Jul 8, 2020
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