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HatandBoots ForHBC raised £980 from 13 supporters
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Closed 31/12/2023
Iʼve raised £980 to save Grade 2 listed Haddenham Baptist Church on 'Heritage at Risk' register. Our Community Fundraising Goal is £75K (£25K raised to Sept 23)
- Haddenham, Buckinghamshire
- Funded on Sunday, 31st December 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Haddenham Baptist Church is in a poor state of repair. Urgent restoration work is needed to save this historic and unique witchert-built building. We are organising community events and activities to raise at least £75,000 locally before applying for bigger grants from Trusts and Foundations. £24,000 has been raised in the community so far (as at July 23) so we still need to raise at least another £50,000.
The Appeal was launched in November 2022 to raise up to half a million pounds to save the historic witchert Baptist chapel. As well as being a Grade 2 listed building, it has been added to Historic England's "Heritage at Risk" Register and Bucks Council's Local Heritage List. This list represents “sites that are locally important and reflect local character”.
- 1 year ago
HatandBoots ForHBC
1 year agoThank you to everyone who supported Pete Appleby. He successfully completed the 35 mile ride and he received Justgiving Donations totalling £480.
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- 1 year ago
HatandBoots ForHBC
1 year ago‘Teas on the Green’ Saturday 16th Sept 2.30-5.30pm Church End (on green outside St Mary’s Church) Everyone welcome including children and dogs on leads Donations invited in aid of the Hat & Boots Appeal
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- 1 year ago
HatandBoots ForHBC
1 year ago75 year old local resident, Peter Appleby will be cycling 35 miles on 16th Sept from the Baptist Union HQ in Didcot to Haddenham. In 2009 Peter was diagnosed with cholangitis, making him prone to infections and leading to a liver operation, a 5 month stay in hospital and eventually a successful liver transplant. Peter says “My motivation is to raise money for the “Hat and Boots” Appeal as well as the places where I received excellent care and treatment, at the same time as keeping myself fit. I'm very grateful for any support. Thank you”.
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HatandBoots ForHBC started crowdfunding
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Oct 18, 2023
David Tugwell
Sep 21, 2023
J and M Cragg
Sep 17, 2023
Well done Peter! That must have been some bike ride.
Anthea Mearns
Sep 16, 2023
PeterCycleHoping you enjoyed the ride Peter, and sorry I missed joining you for a few miles
James Appleby
Sep 16, 2023
Kevin Nash
Sep 2, 2023
Cycle power to the rescue
Eugene Toolan
Aug 29, 2023
Keep cycling Peter. I hope it stays dry on the 16th. Eugene.
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