We did it!
Greenfield Yummy Mummies raised £2,274 from 135 supporters
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Closed 26/08/2019
Iʼve raised £2,274 to give to Andy's Man Club, a suicide prevention charity, and we're doing this by taking on the Rough Runner 10K on 15/6/19 😊
- Manchester
- Funded on Monday, 26th August 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
We are a group of 13 mums whose children are all in the same class at a local school in Greenfield, Oldham. In November 2016, a member of our group very sadly lost her wonderful husband Karl, and amazing Daddy to their daughter Jasmine, to suicide following him suffering for a short time with severve tinnitus and sleep deprivation. Suicide is the single biggest killer of men under 45. Andy's Man Club is a support group for men which aims to tackle the male suicide crisis by providing a safe environment where they can meet and talk without being judged.
- 5 years ago
Greenfield Yummy Mummies
5 years agoWe would like to say a massive THANK YOU to each and every supporter that has sponsored us. Your generosity has been overwhelming and has definitely helped to keep us motivated during the past few months of training. The money raised will certainly make a difference to such a fantastic cause, so once again - thank you from the Greenfield Yummy Mummies 👌
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- 5 years ago
Greenfield Yummy Mummies
5 years agoSo yesterday we set out to conquer our fears and we did it!! The heavens opened before we'd even begun but we didn't let that put us off and made the most of every minute with plenty of laughter and determination. To say it was challenging would be putting it mildly, but it was an utterly amazing experience and we all survived! We started as a team and crossed the finish line together in style - doing the conga 😁
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- 5 years ago
Greenfield Yummy Mummies
5 years agohttps://www.saddleworthlife.com/greenfield-rough-runners-are-roughing-it-to-help-andys-man-club/ There's an article about the group in the latest edition of Saddleworth Life!! Please feel free to copy the link and have a read 👌
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Greenfield Yummy Mummies started crowdfunding
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Jun 23, 2019
Well done Karen and the rest of your team! It is truly amazing what you are doing. Well done for setting up the team!
Angela Leng
Jun 20, 2019
Well done Emma x
melanie brown
Jun 19, 2019
Love from Emily, Michael, Joseph and Erin xx
Suzanne Pakarian
Jun 19, 2019
Well done Emma and all the mums xx
Jun 17, 2019
Well done ladies...Xxxx
Alan Graham
Jun 17, 2019
Well done Liz. Tough but no doubt fun. Raising money for a valuable cause.
Anne Duckworth
Jun 17, 2019
Well done Melanie we are proud of you. Anne& Peter. xx
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Greenfield Yummy Mummies
Suicide is the single biggest killer of young men in the UK. Andy’s Man Club run groups providing a safe space for men to talk about their problems without feeling judged or a burden.