We did it!
richard capener raised £6,917 from 322 supporters
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Closed 24/11/2021
Iʼve raised £6,917 to help raise funds for life saving treatment for our son
- Crewe,England
- Funded on Wednesday, 24th November 2021
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This is the second Justgiving page as our first one closed due to being active for three months so we have transferred the first justgiving link to this new one. The amount has been reset to 0% BUT WE HAVE ALREADY RAISED £189,661 ON THE FIRST PAGE. This is just amazing and we thank every single person who very kindly donated to the original Justgiving xxxx
On Easter Sunday 2018 our son Georgy; aged just 8 years old fell over in a friend’s back garden and after taking him to A and E we were given the devastating news that he had a highly malignant and very rare bone cancer called Ewing’s Sarcoma.
The following 12 months passed in a whirlwind of hospital stays where he had high dose aggressive chemotherapy and radiotherapy. He was unable to eat and lost a lot of weight. As a result of this treatment, the majority of his right arm was taken away and replaced with a titanium prosthesis. Georgy went into remission in March 2019 and life started to become normal (ish) again! Georgy went back to school and we started to see our gorgeous boy become the funny and happy person that he’s always been.
In April this year, we were dealt the devastating blow that the cancer had returned but this time in his left sinus, just under his eye socket and in the back of his nose. Scans showed that this horrible and aggressive cancer had already destroyed some of his cheekbone and was growing into the base of his skull. Georgy was rushed back into hospital to start preparations for his treatment whilst we waited to hear if he would have a stroke or lose his eyesight immediately. Luckily, our brave boy came out as strong as he went in. Georgy has now had four rounds of chemotherapy and is currently having radiotherapy but after researching all avenues, we know that his rare and specific condition cannot be treated with targeted drugs for Georgy on the NHS at this present time, despite the amazing work of his medical team.
Patients with relapsed Ewing’s have a very poor prognosis and as his parents, we are determined to try and raise as much as we can so our gorgeous boy can live a carefree life, something he has not had for three years now. After lengthy discussions with a stem cell transplant hospital in a top medical treatment centre in Asia, we are thrilled that they are willing to accept Georgy! The transplant will involve removing the faulty mother cell and harvesting new purified cells from a donated umbilical cord into his body to stop the cancer from returning, these procedures have very high success rates. Throughout all of Georgy’s treatment we have been absolutely amazed with our NHS, he wouldn’t be here now without them but the cost of this treatment is going to be around the region of £240,000 which simply cannot be funded by our NHS and we really do understand this. Georgy has always taken his illness in his stride, he is a well-mannered and courageous young man and has the best sense of humour ever! When we told him about the possibility of having this procedure his reply was “will I still have my memory?”!
Georgy was due to finish his sixth and final round of chemo by the beginning of September but unfortunately this did not go to plan.Georgy had 8 rounds of chemotherapy and 25 days of radiotherapy in total but the tumour hadn’t responded to the treatment as well as the consultant had hoped. Another spanner was thrown into the works when Georgy became very poorly in October with neutropenic sepsis and spent 4 days in intensive care and a further 10 days in hospital. Due to this, Georgy’s consultant decided to stop all treatment for a while to give his bone marrow and body a break from the side effects of chemotherapy with the hope of re starting treatment after Christmas. For now, Georgy is feeling well because of this and is ready to start the battle again so we can get him into remission and get the stem cell treatment that everybody has been working so hard to fundraise for. We have set this up with the hope that we can raise this amount to help save our sons life. It is our only realistic option and for the first time in a long time we can be positive and see some sort of future. Any donations would be greatly appreciated and we will regularly update on here. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read this, even if you do not wish to make a donation then please, please share
Georgy’s mum xxxxxxxxx
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richard capener started crowdfunding
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Paul Fielding
Oct 24, 2021
Keep fighting young man, with parents like this behind you there is doubt you will beat this
Jean Cooke
Oct 23, 2021
Very best wishes
Kate Birchall
Oct 2, 2021
Ruth Chester
Sep 19, 2021
Much love to you all xxxx
Big Jon L (Win)
Sep 8, 2021
Keep fighting Greg mate.
Sep 7, 2021
Sep 6, 2021
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