We did it!
Natalie Bigg raised £322 from 24 supporters
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Closed 16/11/2021
Iʼve raised £322 to To buy Beth a new phone and give back the money stolen in this brutal attack.
- Funded on Tuesday, 16th November 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
As people are aware Beth was brutally attacked on Sunday 11th July just after 11pm outside the Quart In A Pint Pot in Margate by a group of between 4 and 6 young girls. She was walking home that evening when she was jumped by these vile humans and they beat her so badly, kicking her in the stomach and stamping on her head so hard she ended up in intensive care having servere seizures and to top all this off they robbed her of her mobile phone, money and also kicking her so hard she has sadly lost her baby. She is home and still having seizures but awaiting an MRI scan to find out what is going on but the effect it has had on this gorgeous girl will live with her forever, she has always been a happy young girl who loves to be out and about with her friends but this attack has completely changed that, she is now housebound too scared to go anywhere incase of a seizure also fearing being attacked again. No one deserves to ever be put through or be made to feel like this regardless of any situation. I have started this JustGiving in the hope others will help me to raise money to replace her phone and a bit extra for Beth to just treat herself. It would be amazing if we could get anywhere near the target, she deserves to have that beautiful smile back on her face like she did in this picture at the beginning of that horrid night.
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Natalie Bigg started crowdfunding
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Nick H
Jul 24, 2021
Naomi Jones
Jul 22, 2021
I hope you recover and can get back to enjoying life soon. So sorry this has happened to you.
Claire Morgan
Jul 21, 2021
I don't know you but I am sorry to hear what has happened. I hope you're feeling better soon and sorry for your loss ❤
Jul 21, 2021
Sending my sympathy, best wishes and solidarity to Beth. I hope that she will recover from this awful attack xx
Jul 21, 2021
Jul 21, 2021
I'm at a loss for words, I'm so sorry this has happened to you!
Jarvis coburg
Jul 21, 2021
Keep well
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