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N Applewhite raised £1,655 from 32 supporters
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Closed 12/12/2019
Iʼve raised £1,655 to Create our second garden for Outpatients at Grantham Hospital.
- Grantham Hospital, Lincolnshire
- Funded on Thursday, 12th December 2019
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Following many visits to Lincolnshire hospitals Emmy and I became really depressed seeing the state of the grounds. We are passionate gardeners and walking past unloved desolated patches of ground was really sad. It doesn't matter what reason takes you to hospital, but it is always an anxious one.
Both of us have seen first hand the benefits of being outside and gardening with volunteers whilst working at Belvoir Castle. We decided to set up the Charity G.R.O.W. Gardens Restore Our Wellbeing to do something about it.
There is increasing evidence that exposure to plants and green space, and particularly to gardening, is beneficial to mental and physical wellbeing.
Once our gardens are established a volunteer program will be put in place and monitored by the charity, so the gardens remain in good condition, whilst helping rehabilitate many along the way.
This October we completed our first garden outside ward 6 and are now raising funds for the Outpatients garden which will be visited by day patients
G.R.O.W. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of others.
- 5 years ago
N Applewhite
5 years agoOn Tuesday Emmy and I completed GROW's first garden. It was a big day with over 290 plants and 500 bulbs to plant. Plus we had East Midlands News film crew on site! Delivery of the plants were late; and filming is a whole new ball game, with every task repeated 3 times to make sure you have a good shot! But I'm thrilled to say the garden was completed by 4.30p.m. and in the sunshine too! Patio doors will be built from the day ward into the garden so patients have direct access. Thank you so much everyone for making this possible
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- 5 years ago
N Applewhite
5 years agoAs you can see we are making terrific progress - nearly all the Setts are in. Now we have to lay hardcore, then tarmac and then the resin. I think you will all agree with me that Ian Batchelor Landscapes are doing an incredible job.
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- 5 years ago
N Applewhite
5 years agoThank you all very much for your donations, we are doing so well that landscaping the first garden is due to start next month, July. Because we have received tremendous support for the gardens at Grantham hospital we are already looking at the next project. This is a small garden next to Outpatients. The survey has been done and as soon as we have a design we will share this with you. Keep spreading the word everyone so we can make Grantham Hospital, the leading hospital for #health and #wellbeing.
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N Applewhite started crowdfunding
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Nov 25, 2019
stephen shields
Oct 26, 2019
Mary Shearer
Oct 23, 2019
I spent time on ward 4 last year recovering from pneumonia & sepsis. I was lucky enough to have window in my room & know how wonderful it will be for patients and staff to enjoy the calm of a garden.
Caroline Hobson
Oct 23, 2019
I worked in the care sector and saw the benefits of gardens to all. Congratulations to you all. I hope this will be followed by other hospitals.
Oct 20, 2019
Heard you on the radio and have been thinking about supporting a local hospital gardening project. So glad you’re doing work at Grantham!
Andrew and Helen Ward
Oct 6, 2019
What a wonderful idea . We hope it is going well. Best wishes from Andrew and Helen at Norwell Nurseries
Cecil Richardson
Oct 4, 2019
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