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Closed 22/11/2018

raised of £1,000 target by 0 supporters

    Weʼve raised £0 to Help funding a boy who's only 5 years old and was diagnosed with Dystrophy Muscular Duchenne (DMD) with his mum being a single mum.

    Closed on Thursday, 22nd November 2018

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    I would like to help a mum, Augustina, whose son was diagnosed with DMD (Dystrophy Muscular Duchenne), which is a rare disease that gradually cause disability to walk and move and finally causing death due to heart muscle fatigue. People with this disease normally die before they turn 30. The little boy has started to experience problem with climbing stairs and walking, being so young he could not understand what's happened and have been really upset.

    Augustina is a single mum and is the only person in the family who can look after the boy. She has a cleaner job meaning she is earning minimal income and doesn't have time to stay at home with her son all the time. She goes out to work when her son is in school but when he is off on summer break she literally can't go out and work at all. She is only 23 years old and doesn't own any property, with the high rent to pay in London it's really difficult for her and her son to survive. This is expected to go worse when her son grows up as having the disability means he will need someone to be at home with him all the time and with Augustina's job it won't be possible to be at home with him and work at the same time.

    About myself, I am not a close friend of Augustina, I employed her as my cleaner and she's a very hard worker and did a great job. She also treat people really kindly with smile all the time. So when I heard her story I felt really shocked of how sad a story there's behind her. I would really like to support her via raising some money so she can at least spend this summer with her son without worrying about the income. As a mum too I know how important it is for a child to be accompanied. I hereby build this page hoping people will help her too. I would like to thank you in advance for any generosity you kindly gave and even if you are not donating, thanks for browsing this page, as you must be a good person to view a charity page too.



    Hua Chen

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      6 years ago

      Hua Chen started crowdfunding

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      Page last updated on: 7/25/2018 09.40



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