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Brightwake Ltd raised £100 from 5 supporters
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Closed 16/09/2022
Iʼve raised £100 to help Hucknall Food Bank support local families struggling with the cost of living increase.
- Hucknall
- Funded on Friday, 16th September 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
Hucknall Food Bank have been supporting the community of Hucknall for many years. However, due to a recent increase of over 50% in people using the food bank, they made a plea on Facebook for help. This increase, as well as soaring food prices, meant that they were in danger of running out of supplies.
Upon seeing the plea, Brightwake Managing Director, Steve Cotton, donated £2000 to help them. This much needed money will allow them to support families in need for the next ten weeks. However, with the rising cost of living and more and more families being referred for their services, they are in need of ongoing support and we want to help them to continue helping people who are struggling in this difficult time.
While food donations are greatly received, donations of cash are extremely helpful as it allows the team to replenish essential items which are running low such as sugar, washing powder and toiletries and ensure that there is enough for everyone.
The charity currently spends around £200-300 per week and it supporting roughly 100 households each month in the Hucknall community, with some receiving only one package a month an others visiting weekly, depending on circumstances and whether there are children in the household.
To find out more visit their Facebook page
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Brightwake Ltd started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
May 21, 2022
Valerie Gillott
May 20, 2022
Come on folk raise some money for a good cause x
May 20, 2022
Steve Ward
May 20, 2022
It is great to see Yvonne and the Team put so much care and passion into looking after everyone who steps through the door needing help. Keep up the fantastic work!
Susan Lee-webb
May 20, 2022
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