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Harrison - RGS Sixth Form raised £2,005 from 42 supporters
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Closed 11/06/2018
Iʼve raised £2,005 to help fund a Community Doppler Machine, so patients with leg pain can be assessed quickly without having to wait for a hospital appointment.
- Hughenden Valley, High Wycombe, UK
- Funded on Monday, 11th June 2018
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My name is Harrison and I am a sixth form student at the Royal Grammar School in High Wycombe.
I also volunteer to work in the Community Pharmacy in Hughenden Valley.
I have learnt that not all of the services that patients need are provided by the NHS. In particular, if patients have pain in their legs, then they often need to have a scan to check if it’s safe for them to have special bandages that we supply from the pharmacy to help with the pain.
Presently the scans are done in hospital and some patients have had to wait for months for an appointment. Patients can also book to have the scans done at their GP surgery, but because it takes up five nurse appointments at once and needs two nurses it can be difficult to find an appointment gap long enough, and when the scans are done it makes it very hard for other patients to get appointments to see the nurse.
I have discovered that there is a machine which makes it possible for the scans to be done in the GP surgery in just one nurse appointment, but the machines are not provided by the NHS.
The cost of the machine, called a “Dopplex Ability”, is just under £2700 which is a lot of money but not so much to make it impossible to raise the money.
You can read more about the device here:
With this machine, patients that need the scan will be scanned more quickly allowing pain control and other treatment more quickly.
The appointments that they would have used in hospital, will become available for other patients to use and every scan done with this new machine, frees up FIVE nurse appointments that are used with the current standard machine.
Every single pound donated will count toward the cost of the machine.
Thank you.
- 6 years ago
Harrison - RGS Sixth Form
6 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 6 years ago
Harrison - RGS Sixth Form
6 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 6 years ago
Harrison - RGS Sixth Form
6 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Harrison - RGS Sixth Form started crowdfunding
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Cherry and Emrys Parry
Jun 11, 2018
Great initiative-well done to Harrison and friends
Jun 4, 2018
Thanks for doing this. God bless.
Janina Diggins
Jun 4, 2018
Great cause, well done Harrison for taking the initiative
May 29, 2018
Jerry Morley
May 17, 2018
Robert Hawkins
May 16, 2018
Well done Harrison, well on the way to your target.
May 11, 2018
This £100 was given by cheque made payable to Harrison. A massive thank you to Mr Eric Johnson & Mrs Evelyn Johnson.
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