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Tomasz Figurski raised £1,400 from 28 supporters
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Closed 15/07/2018
Iʼve raised £1,400 to buy specialist orthopedic equipment for Inga affected with Spinal Muscular Atrophy - SMA
- Caerphilly, Wielka Brytania
- Funded on Sunday, 15th July 2018
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Inga is our beloved daughter. She is already 3,5 years old. She is smart and beautiful girl. We are very proud of her.
But we cannot be fully happy because she is affected with Spinal Muscular Atrophy - SMA. Severe disease makes her muscles weaker every day. Inga has never walked. She cannot stand independently anymore. She is not able to do many things that a 3 year old can do.
We can help our daughter in few different ways. First of all we do a lot of physiotherapy – hydrotherapy, massages, muscle stretching etc. It helps keep Inga fit and makes her muscles disappear slower...
We could give Inga medicine – Spinraza. It has been approved for use in EU in June. But it is still not available in UK, mostly because its price – 700 000£/year...
Finally – we can help Inga cope with day-to-day activities by giving her specialist orthopedic equipment e.g.: ultra-light manual wheelchair, modern electric wheelchair, professional car seat, motorized training device. All that would keep Inga’s posture straight, keep her muscles as strong as it is only possible.
As you probably can imagine everything cost. But it is worth paying for all of that once we have a picture of Inga in our minds who get medicine and become stronger every day.
To make our dreams come true we need your generosity and support. Please donate regardless of the amount. Every penny matters.
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Apr 19, 2018
Apr 18, 2018
Zbiorka pieniedzy z inicjatywy Piotrka Ziolkowskiego. Trzymamy mocno kciuki za Inge i pozdrawiamy goraco z Brukseli cala rodzine.
Dawn Thomas
Apr 5, 2018
Helena Ślusarczyk
Apr 5, 2018
Apr 4, 2018
Claudia Rees
Apr 2, 2018
Thanks Tom. I hope Inga gets her equipment and more🤗. She is amazing x
Feb 4, 2018
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Tomasz Figurski
Caerphilly, Wielka Brytania
Hi! I'm Tom. I'm married to Gosia. We have two kids - Max (9 years) and Inga (3 years). We used to be happy family. Until 15th Feb 2016 when diagnosis for our daughter was made: Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). That has changed our lives. We fight to be happy again!