We did it!
Amy Smith and Anne Allen raised £5,036 from 133 supporters
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Closed 10/11/2022
Iʼve raised £5,036 to Everton foundation, Tranmere in the community and CD Thader de Rojales.
- Funded on Thursday, 10th November 2022
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La historia está en español abajo
In memory of my dear husband, Peter Allen, who passed away far too young on 19th March 2022, I intend to take him on his final cycle tour.
Cycle touring was our passion. We got married on 20th August 1994 at Gretna Green whilst cycling Land’s End to John O’Groats. And so for this ride from Everton’s football ground, to Tranmere’s football ground and onwards to CD Thader de Rojales in Spain, I will be riding the heavy steal bike I got married on 28 years ago. I will celebrate our 28th Wedding Anniversary, albeit alone on the road, before taking the ferry from Portsmouth to Santander on 21st August to continue my memorial ride. On leaving Santander on 22nd August, I will cycle from Northern Spain to South Easten Spain, arriving at the Moi Gomez Stadium before the start of the season. My route will be aproximately 1600km.
Peter was passionate about football and so what better tribute than to raise money for what Everton and Tranmere do to help in there local communities and to raise money for our local team here in Spain, who fight for survival each year and this season will be there Centenery. Peter would have loved to be doing this with me. During one of our last conversations he told me that he wanted me to continue doing what we both loved doing for as long as I could.
So with his blessing, I intend to set of from Goodison Park on 16th August, which would have been my Dad’s 91st birthday. Anyone is welcome to join me for any part of my trip. Just follow me on strava or facebook to see where I am!
I would like to thank everyone in advance for your support.
Estamos recaudando 5k para de CD Thader de Rojales, la fundación de Everton y Tranmere en la comunidad.
En memoria de mi querido marido, Peter Allen, que falleció demasiado joven el día 19 de marzo 2022, quiero cumplir su último deseo haciendo ciclismo, que era su gran pasión. Será mi homenaje hacia él.
Nos casamos el 20 de agosto 1994 en Gretna Green mientras viajábamos en bici por Lands Ends hasta John O’Groats. Comenzaré mi tour desde el estadio de fútbol Everton hasta el CD Thader de Rojales en España pasando por el estadio de Tranmere.
Viajaré en mi pesada bici de hierro con la cual me casé con Peter hace 28 años. Brindaré por nuestro aniversario antes de coger el ferry desde Portsmouth a Santander el 21 de agosto para salir el 22 hacia el estadio de Moi Gomez en Rojales y llegar antes del inicio de la nueva temporada. Será un recorrido de unos 1600kms.
Peter era un apasionado del fútbol y que mejor que todo lo recuadado vaya a Everton y Tranmere que tanto hacen por jus comunidades asi como CD Thader de Rojales que lucha año tras año por sobrevivir especialmente éste en su centenario. A Peter le hubiese encantado haber realizado este Tour en bici conmigo.
Durante nuestras últimas conversaciones me dijo que quería que yo continuara haciendo lo que más nos hacía felices.
Así, con su bendición deseo salir desde Goodison Park el 16 de agosto (que hobiese sido el cumpleaños de mi papa).
Invito a cualquier persona a acompañarme en cualquier tramo del camino o solo seguirme en Strava o en Facebook.
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Amy Smith and Anne Allen started crowdfunding
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Sarah & Paul
Sep 17, 2022
Loved reading your posts and pictures everyday. Fantastic - well done
tony gould
Sep 9, 2022
Sep 8, 2022
Well done Anne such an amazing achievement !
Torgrim and Bente Sorset
Sep 8, 2022
In memory of Peter and for your hard work on your bike ride. You are an inspiration.
Bar El Sol
Sep 8, 2022
Enhorabuena 💪
Lynette Wade
Sep 7, 2022
Fantastic what you have achieved.
Doug, Sue, Jacky and Richard
Sep 7, 2022
Incredibly well done Anne. Peter was with you all the way. x
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