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    Iʼve raised £0 to "Help us get JUSTICE! 'TRUTH' can not be silenced! Together we can have a 'VOICE' FOR THE FAILURES OF THE POLICE" . ALLOW TRUTH TO PREVAIL

    Closed on Monday, 17th September 2018

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    To whom this may concern,

    (The death of Mr Uzo Adiz Mbaeliachi)

    Statement by Miss Ify Nneka Mbaeliachi

    I am the only child of my father.

    My Father does not have a wife.

    On Saturday 3rd June 2017 10.54 am was the last time my father was on whatsapp. The Saturday afternoon was the last time to my knowledge anyone had communication with him.

    We are a large family and all communicated on whatsapp and Skype. I sent him some pictures of his grandchildren at the park, to my knowledge he did not open the messages.

    Sunday morning 4th June 2017 after the London bridge terror attack, I received a message from my aunt asking if I had heard from my father. At that point I began to search for him. As I had not heard from him. I had a horrible feeling.

    My father and his business partners deal in shipments of oil, gas and petroleum, with offices at The Shard, Tower Hamlets and Edgware Road. Also around the world. This is why I believed he might have been caught up in the attack, as he was attending a meeting in the city of London.

    I was told from my fathers business partner that he was closing a deal in the City of London and may have been present in the area the attack took place.

    I reported my father to the London attack casuality line. I checked with the hospitals that had the injured and dead from the attack. I also phoned Chingford police where my father resided.

    His closest sister was in Italy due to her work as a social worker and could not attend the property.

    I live in a village in Treeton South Yorkshire on a farm with my disabled daughter so could not attend until I had childcare.

    I sent 3 independent taxi services to check for my father at his address and they had no reply to the door. So I called ‘101’ and begged them to check on my father. They told me after 4 hours they would check if I still had not heard from him. They did not attend the property until 36 hours later. My fathers phone was still off and he had not contacted his family, work or friends for over 2 days. I called the police back and begged yet again.

    On Monday the 5th June 2017 a family friend went to the property where my father resided. There are 3 other occupants that also reside there. One may ask why a man who is due millions of pounds is living in such a property? The answer is my fathers real home was with me and his grandchildren in South Yorkshire, where he has spent thousands of pounds giving us the best he can. He was waiting to complete his business deal so we could all be together.

    On knocking at the door of the property our family friend was refused entry. At this point I called the police back and urged them to hurry to carry out a check on my father, so we could confirm if he was one of the injured or dead from the terror attack.

    The police officer came on our family friends phone to me and promised me he would call me back once he had broken the door down.

    I never heard from him again. It took nine and a half hours and 10 phone calls later to the police to establish that my father had been found dead.

    This was by a visit from the South Yorkshire police who confirmed what I had felt. It was them who gave me my fathers Landlords number.

    So the following morning I called the landlord. Who I have since found out is a drug dealer, people smuggler and very aggressive man.

    I called him with witnesses and he stated that my father had text him to meet for the rent, but when he got there the money was not all there. However he stated that he had already written the receipt. So he told my father to keep the money and pay him it all on Tuesday. He stated that he saw my father put the money back in his pocket.

    He was the last person to see my father alive.

    He told me that my father had taken his own life and committed suicide. He also said if he was that depressed he would have told his daughter. He was convinced my father was perfectly healthy and that he definitely committed suicide.

    I knew that that would never be the case.

    I later called the coroners office. There I spoke to a man named Rod, whom told me that he had to wait for my fathers GP to state if he had any medical condition that could kill him. Before he would carry out the post mortem.

    He also stated that my father was that decomposed, he would not recommend seeing him and that he cannot carry out a Toxicology report because of decomposition.

    My father’s records show that he has not needed to attend his GP since 2013 and that he only took vitamins.

    My father did not smoke, nor eat fatty foods. He was a charming energetic gentleman. The heart of our family.

    I made a journey to London to see my father’s body and identify him, as I have previously seen my friend’s bodies that have died in the past.

    When I saw my father it did not look like him at first, because his nose was different, bent to the side, more swollen than flat and he had markings that were not there the day before. Markings to his left cheek and his face and head.

    At that point I knew that we needed to get a second post mortem.

    As the coroner and police were not helping and refused to do a toxicology report.

    I found that very distressing, as for the cause of death even in insurance circumstances needs to be available. Incase a person had committed suicide, the insurance would be void.

    I drove past the property where my father lived and noticed the windows were open, the day previous they were not.

    So I knocked on the door and confronted the landlord and tenant. The tenant stated that there had been an altercation in the morning but he was in his room and told me I needed to understand he has to live in the property still and has children of his own.

    Both men had cloths in their hands and bleach on the side. They were cleaning the property. When shown my father’s door the only security on it was a screw in hook with a padlock connected. I use similar for my horses tack. It can be removed by hand.

    I asked the landlord why the windows were open and he got aggressive and told me to ask the police! He also shouted at me for turning up without calling first, I caught him unprepared for my brief visit. The tenant stated that there is also a woman living there but they had not seen her since Saturday, the day my dad went missing.

    I would like to state the landlord confirmed on many occasions that he was the only person with the key, therefor only he could gain access to my fathers room. He also stated that he was a builder and did all the repairs.

    That evening I drove past again after being at Chingford police station for 4 hours. When driving past, one window had been closed to and the bedroom light was then on. Someone had gained entry again.

    I texted the landlord asking him to please not go into my fathers room. He ignored my calls and texts.

    The coroner was supposed to have told the landlord not to go back into the room but apparently that call never took place.

    There are many failings from the side of The Police and the Coroner.

    Our family was asking that the second post mortem was to be carried out and a thorough check of all my fathers’ body and for injuries to the, head, brain, jaw, nose and his complete body. Also a toxicology report done by our own pathologist.

    Also if there is a possibility that my dad may have been poisoned.

    I also asked that all illegal drugs and prescription drugs be checked for in my fathers blood, as he may have been injected with something. Also we needed a time/ date of death.

    I have since found out my father was scared of this man and did not ever mention his child or grand children to him, therefore he did not trust him as my father was proud to show his family off to people he liked. My fathers, phones, ipad, laptop, bag and diary are currently missing. The only thing the police said they had been the key to the padlock that was placed on the room door.

    Without evidence I cannot fight for justice for my father and there has already been so many failings. We still do not know who all the officers that found my father are, the police did not have an update on my father since they broke the door down. All I have been told is that it is out of their remit.

    Upon taking advise, I have put in this complaint to the IPCC, as what has happened is severely negligent. All I asked was that police helped from when I had evidence the landlord had been cleaning away potential evidence and still not one police officer or CID would help.

    Please can you do the best in your power to prove what really happened to my father, as there are at least 3 possible verdicts?

    I have evidence, to everything I have stated in this statement and this is only a brief description of the events that have happened.

    I have video footage, Voice recordings and written evidence to the doubts we have around my father’s death.



    1. Saturday 3rd June 2017 my father was spoken to by a man named Jimmy Makos, shortly after a man named George Shanklin was having a pleasant conversation with my father who has since stated that they had completed a major deal.

    2. Sunday 4th June 2017, I contacted the casualty line to register my father as one of the potential victims from the London bridge terror attack.

    3. I contacted the hospitals that had the patients from the London Terror attack to see if my father was one of the patients.

    4. I also contacted 101 to report my father as missing Reference Number (28967 of 04-06-2017). I was told nothing could be done until he had been missing for 48 hours.

    5. I sent a local taxi firm round to my fathers address several times but there was no reply.

    6. Monday 5th June I called the casualty line back, which stated that there might have been a possibility someone matching my fathers description was in one of the hospitals, but that I needed to confirm 100 percent that he was not in his house.

    7. At that point I called 101 back, who told me that if he had not got in contact by the evening that they would do a safe and well check.

    8. In the mean time my aunty had got a family friend who is also a taxi driver to attend the property.

    9. He knocked and was told that he could not go in and to go away and that my father was not there.

    10. At this point I called the police again begging them to meet the family friend at the property.

    11. The police man at the scene told me on the family friends phone, that he would call me once he had gained entry and notify me if my father was there.

    12. I did not here from him again until over 2 weeks later.

    13. I called 101 back numerous times that day to find out what had happened but was told they would get someone to call me.

    14. It took over 10 hours for anyone to tell me.

    15. South Yorkshire Police came to confirm to me that my father was found dead.

    16. They gave me the landlord’s number and told me to call him in the morning to arrange collection of my father’s possessions.

    17. The next morning my fiancé contacted my good childhood family friend whom I call uncle. Mr. Leroy Logan MBE (Chief Superintendent of Metropolitan Police). He helped us throughout the following events.

    18. I spoke with the landlord, who stated all he was interested in was emptying my father’s room and that it stank of a smell terrible. I said I would be in contact later that week, he was very aggressive.

    19. I then spoke with Rod the Coroner, whom my uncle ‘Leroy’ went to training school with. The coroner stated that he needed to check my fathers medical records first to check if he had any medical conditions, because if he had there would not be a post mortem carried out.

    20. For the next couple of days I was getting aggressive phone calls from the landlord demanding I just removed my fathers things, I have since come to the understanding that it was because if I removed my fathers possessions without the police being there he could blame me for the missing items.

    21. Rod from the coroner’s office called me and stated that they had put my fathers death down to a coronary atheroma and that they were not prepared to do toxicology. At that point I realized this was not just and that everyone is entitled to a cause of death. He also stated that if he were me, he would not even see my father’s body because it was so far decomposed and that he would just bury him.

    22. I obviously was not going to accept that as I wanted to say goodbye, I had studied law and was interested in forensics, so nothing really fazes me in that respect.

    23. On the 8th June 2017, I made the journey to London to visit the Walthamstow Mortuary where my father’s body was held. I was accompanied by, my fiancé and my uncle Mr Leroy Logan MBE.

    24. Rod was not there as I was told he had a hospital visit, so a lady would do the viewing. I mentioned that my father was apparently that decomposed I should not see him.

    25. The lady went to look and said she did not know why I was told that as he was no where near some of the worse cases they have and that she did not have a problem with me seeing my father.

    26. Upon seeing my father I realized that he was not that decomposed at all. However instead he had marks and bruising on his face and head that was never there before. This can be confirmed that the suspicious markings were not there on the Saturday or previous Friday.

    27. I had still at this point, not received any phone call or report or any information relating to the circumstances of my fathers death’

    28. The next day I was told by my uncle that the coroner had stated my father had been found in the praying position, kneeling with the Bible in his hands.

    29. This seemed confusing as why would he have had such facial injuries.

    30. I contacted the police liaison teams, who up until this day still have not returned my calls.

    31. On 12th June 2017 I contacted 101 again to state that I needed to talk to the police officers that found my father. I was at that point given a name, PC Richard Pollock, however he was unavailable, I asked if they could ask him to call me back.

    32. PC Pollack spoke with my uncle but was not prepared to give a statement until he had got together with the other officers that were at the scene when they found my father.

    33. All I was told is that they found him in the praying position. I was also told the lights were not left on and the windows were closed.

    34. This raised even more suspicion as it confirmed with my evidence that the landlord had been cleaning and tampering with a potential crime scene. Therefor obstructing the cause of justice.

    35. I attended Chingford police station begging that I could speak with someone relating about my father’s death and that I needed answers to questions.

    36. I spoke to the chief on the phone who stated that they could not do a post mortem on everyone due to recession and when I told him that the landlord had been in my fathers room, he said that he had a right to if he was the landlord. Even though at that point the toxicology had not been carried out. At that point I asked for the keys to my fathers room and was told that I could not have them, as it might be a crime scene.

    37. I asked him if it was a crime scene or not and he stated that if I didn’t tell them it was a crime how could they have treated it like one. I did not know from my home in Yorkshire, if there had been a crime or not, all I knew on the 3rd of June that my father could not be contacted.

    38. I realized that I would need to get a private post mortem carried out, which my uncle Leroy Logan helped source a forensic pathologist.

    39. On numerous occasions I called CID and was fobbed off with the answer it was out of their remit.

    40. I called 101 back and begged for help and no one would assist, not at one point did anyone even offer to take a statement from my fiancé, or me regarding the evidence we had.

    41. I was completely failed.

    42. On 22nd June, whilst in the recovery room after having major surgery, I received an urgent call from a PC Hussan, stating that there was a man wanting the keys to my father’s room, that man was the landlord. He was stating that he wanted the room emptied. I stated under no circumstances were the keys to be handed over and that he was the landlord who I suspected had attacked my father.

    43. On 26th June, I had gone to Chingford police station to yet again beg for someone to take a statement and help.

    44. Because I had been threatened on the phone by the landlord that I would end up like my father and he could get nasty and that he didn’t give a fuck about the police. Not realizing he was on loudspeaker in the funeral directors with Leroy listening also.

    45. I was once again fobbed off with them saying that no one could attend the property with me, so I asked for the keys from the stores and was told the keys could not be found.

    46. At that point the gentleman on the desk said that had every right to enter the property and as long as I fixed any repairs.

    47. I entered the property with two witnesses and the landlord whom opened the door; straight away the landlord panicked and called the police.

    48. Only at this point did the police and CID attend.

    49. The police took me to the cash machine to withdraw £250 for replacement of the bedroom door.

    50. Upon emptying my father’s room, the light was on yet again, furniture was on the bed, my father’s laptop, jewelry, watch, aftershaves, collectables and numerous things were missing. Most importantly the cash that my dad apparently was giving to the landlord.

    51. My father never left his room, as he was found dead, so who stole my fathers belongings?

    52. My father was not down as dead on the police records until nearly 2 weeks after.

    53. No investigations have taken place to even question the landlord regarding the missing items, or the said altercation or the threats that he made to me.

    54. At this point I had lost all hope in the police and decided to see my father in the funeral home.

    55. The first time anyone had been to see him there and I opened the coffin to hold him as I could not see him due to being in layer of plastic bags because of being frozen for the second post mortem.

    56. There was a bag of my fathers clothes tied, that said incineration.

    57. I asked the lady if I could have the clothes as memories. She said of course.

    58. The next day back if Yorkshire, I asked my fiancé to get my fathers clothes from the car.

    59. I decided to film opening the bag, as it was the first time since the coroners undressed him that anyone would see his clothes.

    60. Upon opening the bag I expected the clothes to be smelly but that was my dad so I did not mind, I just wanted to air them and frame them.

    61. Instead what I found was my fathers clothes had blood in different areas going through the layers of clothing.

    62. This blood was never once mentioned! Apparently my father had an innocent heart attack? So why was there blood?

    63. At that point I called Rod the coroner, Rod stated that they took my fathers clothes off and placed them straight in the yellow bag and up until the point that I opened the bag, no one had seen the clothes and that the clothes had not been examined. I felt sick.

    64. Not only were the police not taking statements, not proving reports, they had not even checked my fathers clothes.

    65. Rod told me that I was to store the clothes in an area not too hot and not too cold until SOCO came to get them, however that it was out of his hands and I would have to call 101.

    66. Rod also said things have been missed and that the only way I could now fight for justice for my father was with a barrister.

    67. I was and still am disgusted.

    68. Yet again I called 101 and was assured a SOCO team would come and collect my fathers clothes that day. Up until this email they still have not been.

    69. My question is, who’s blood is on my fathers clothes, if it is my fathers, then the marks to his head was not as innocent as what has been brushed under the carpet.

    70. If it was someone else’s blood, then whose? Maybe it is the person who he got into the altercation with?

    71. The same person that I believe maybe did not mean to Murder my father, but attacked him and it went wrong!

    72. The same person who complained about a terrible smell! Yet did not think to check after not seeing someone they usually see up to 3 times a day. The same person who declares that they are the only person with the keys, to every room! The same person my father apparently text to meet him, but resides in the same property! The same person that tells me my father committed suicide and was furious that I turned up unexpected at the property! The same person that threatens a dead mans daughter! The same person that was cleaning with bleach when told not to enter the room.

    73. So many questions remain unanswered!

    74. No investigations have been followed through!

    75. Where are the missing items, why were my father’s mobile phones cleared from their memory? Where is the text from my father asking the landlord to meet him!

    76. Not one on the tenants has been questioned.

    77. I 100 percent know and believe the events leading to my father’s sudden death are due to one of the people in that house. Someone knows more! and they have not even been questioned. It is disgusting!

    78. I have refused to bury my father, as I do not want to be exhuming his body in the future. He is currently in the freezer and it has been over 3 months.

    79. I have still not had one bit of communication from the police involved.

    I have faith and am pleading that even though mistakes and failings have been made, it can be rectified!

    Please investigate the death of my father and re open the case, I have evidence, recordings and my father’s blooded clothes.

    The people involved should not be walking free.

    Due to the failings that I have experienced I was minutes away from taking my own life, all because the police failed my father and his family!

    Kind regards

    Miss Ify Mbaeliachi




    "Thank you for everyones continued support"

    This 'CASE' and 'OTHER CASES' need JUSTICE!


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    "There have been mistakes, loss of evidence, failures, negligence and no one held accountable for the death or circumstances leading up to the sudden death of my father! This is not Just!!!"

    Silence when WRONG!!! has been COMMITTED!!! is 'NEVER' an option!!!!



    Issy Mbaeliachi

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      Page last updated on: 5/20/2018 13.56



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        Issy Mbaeliachi

        Issy Mbaeliachi


        2nd June 2017, an amazing man went missing. Over 3 days later his body was found. Non suspicious death! was a body with injuries and blood covered clothes. In a multi occupancy house, lay a law abiding human, my father. NO investigation! No crime scene! Not one person Questioned.

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