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Alison Gleave raised £6,433.22 from 260 supporters


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Closed 31/08/2018

raised of £5,000 target by 260 supporters

    Iʼve raised £6,433 to buy an off road buggy for Izzie Whizzie.

    Worcester, UK
    Funded on Friday, 31st August 2018

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Isabella Anne was born prematurely at 30 weeks, weighing 3lb 5oz. Her mother had suffered 6 major placenta bleeds during the pregnancy from 24 weeks. Izzie was in neonatal care for 6 weeks after her birth and had many ups and downs. After realising she was tongue tied so couldn’t latch, it was cut and she came home feeding normally. After two weeks of being home Izzie caught a cold from her 18 month old brother, which turned into bronchiolitis and she had several apnoeas. She was monitored and seemed to be making some small steps of progress. At about 5 months old the health visitor realised her head wasn’t growing and her fontanelles had fused early. After many tests at Birmingham Children’s Hospital the medical professionals realised that this was because her brain had stopped growing. They explained that she had microcephaly, which was life limiting. Her parents had to prepare for giving her a good quality of life but were warned she was not likely to walk or talk. Izzie also has a lot of other linked complications. After a few more months tests were carried out at the children’s hospital on her eyes and they determined her brain wasn’t making eye connections, which meant she was consequently registered blind. When she was 18 months old her parents noticed lots of infantile spasms and this was the start of her epilepsy. By the age of 3 years the doctors determined that she had drug resistant epilepsy and they were soon going to start the ketogenic diet as a last resort. She has up to 15 seizures a day which are visible but EEGs show that she has many more that are not seen. She is at risk of sudden death syndrome. Izzie has quad CP with her right side more affected.

    Despite all this Izzie is a gorgeous and positive little girl who loves to play with her brother. She is certainly determined and has a strong character constantly letting her parents know what she wants! Izzie amazes them all the time.

    We are raising funds so Izzie can have an ‘off road’ buggy. Her favourite thing is being outside feeling the wind and sun on her skin. The buggy will let the family go exploring and it will also convert to fit on a bike so the family can go on cycle rides together. Her current wheelchair isn’t the easiest to push for long distances and can’t go ‘off road’. Izzie is also too big for her seat on the back of the bike.



    Alison Gleave

    Updates appear here

      7 years ago

      Alison Gleave started crowdfunding

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      Page last updated on: 8/16/2018 14.30



      • stuart leng

        stuart leng

        Aug 16, 2018

        Another little donation from my biking escapades


      • stuart leng

        stuart leng

        Aug 1, 2018

        A little bit extra from my biking adventures:-)


      • Chris Green

        Chris Green

        Jul 25, 2018

        Well done for raising funds for such a worthy cause and completing a tough challenge


      • Kate Pilcher

        Kate Pilcher

        Jul 19, 2018

        Congrats on completing the 3 peaks! x


      • Matthew Barron

        Matthew Barron

        Jul 12, 2018

        Congrats on completing the 3 Peaks. Awe inspiring, you should all be so proud.


      • Ariane McGrahan

        Ariane McGrahan

        Jul 10, 2018

        Well done on the amazing challenge!


      • Kirk Hussey

        Kirk Hussey

        Jul 9, 2018

        Fantastic effort for a very worthy cause. Congratulations on completing the three peaks challenge guys :0) !!!


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      Alison Gleave

      Alison Gleave

      Worcester, UK

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