We did it!
James Coulson raised £355 from 24 supporters
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Closed 29/09/2019
Iʼve raised £355 to Support a New Maternity Bereavement Suite At Calderdale Royal Hospital
- Funded on Sunday, 29th September 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
Ben and Gaynor's daughter Kallipateira was stillborn and they went through a horrible ordeal as they grieved in the hospital, hearing the happy new parents all around them. Rather than getting angry with the world (they would have every right) they have decided to channel the pain into making a difference for people in their position in the future. To help set up a proper bereavement suite at Calderdale Royal.
I'm joining them for the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge to help them raise some cash. I think they are amazing and I hope you do too. Help me out with a few quid, would you? Thank you!
Here's a thing I write about them for Northern Life: http://northernlifemagazine.co.uk/the-walk-of-life/
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James Coulson started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Claire Halstead
Jun 10, 2019
Well done Jim!
Ann Lake
Jun 8, 2019
All the best everyone
Catriona & Dan Morfitt
Jun 8, 2019
Arise, Earlobe Coulson, arise!
Jane Jeffery
Jun 8, 2019
Good luck Jim. I hope the weather is kind to you.
Charles Jeffery
Jun 8, 2019
Good luck jim
Caroline and Rich
Jun 7, 2019
Good luck Jim!
Trudy Fielding
Jun 7, 2019
GOOD LUCK & Go kick those mountains butts!! 👊🏼Trudy x
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