Eve Pateman is crowdfunding
Iʼm raising £7,000 to raise funds for Joshua Warner
- Bexleyheath
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We have set up this just giving as so many people are wanting to donate to assist Joshua at this time of need and as a family we want this to be wholly transparent.
Hi friends and family. With hopeful hearts, we are choosing to share our story with you so that we can provide support for our Son, Father, brother, and friend Joshua Warner as he battles brain cancer and any related complications.
Many of you are asking how we knew something was wrong, and it’s been difficult for me to put it down as we feel so failed by the system and particularly Darenth Valley Hospital.
Some Background: Josh started to get a headache the 26th June. It’s was painful and made him sick, it was constant for a number of days and we all thought initially a migraine, but the headache’s persisted and 14 days later we knew this couldn’t continue so Dave (his Dad) took him to hospital on the 12th July (no one has a headache for 2 weeks right?)!.. Darenth took bloods and urine which showed signs of infection. They CT scanned him and they decide that he has appendicitis ! Josh has no pain in his stomach but they tell us the pain on his head is ‘referred pain’! And out comes his appendix in the afternoon of the 13th.
5.30am on the 14th Josh calls to say he is home, they discharged him at 5am 16 hours after removing his appendix. (funnily enough they found nothing really wrong with his appendix!)
Saturday 14th Josh is admitted again being sick. Headaches and pain from the surgery they admit him and observe him for 24 hours) carry out a CT scan and advise us that they saw an anomaly but it was an issue with the scan machine before releasing him.
4th August Josh is back at DVH with Tash (his partner), I can’t go into detail about this visit other than to say that the doctor was physically and verbally abusive to Joshua, as he believed Joshua had been taking drugs as he had opioids in his system. He failed to realise they had prescribed Joshua codeine that he had been taking at home! Once the nurse informed the doctor of this he came back and said sorry someone had rubbed him up the wrong way! Josh was again sent home.
7th August I take Josh to the hospital, I am determined to make them do something (again bloods and urine are carried out) and they tell me that A&E is for life threatening illness and Joshua’s headache and sickness isn’t life threatening. I beg them to do more, they say if I want a MRI scan I need to go to the doctors and they may refer him. They send us home.
8th August, Josh calls the doctor who advises Josh is being over medicated and that he will not see Josh for 4 weeks, he must stop all pain killers ! We do this as we want the MRI.
Monday 16th August, Tash and Baby Andrew are away, Josh was too poorly to go, so Josh is staying in Sidcup with my parents as we are so worried about him, he collapses in the bathroom hitting his face on the corner of the shower. Ambulance arrived within 30 minutes, Joshuas Nan relays what’s been going on to ambulance crew and they make the decision to take him to QE, my Dad (joshuas Grandad Norman) goes with him. Josh arrived and they CT scan him, and spot something on there, compare with previous scan from Darenth and it’s the same. They think he could be having mini strokes but advise they will give him an urgent MRI scan.
17th August josh has the MRI
18th August consultant visits and breaks the news that Josh has a large brain tumor. Later that day they move him to an Oncology ward. The consultant says if a 25 year old presents with a constant headache and sickness this should always be treated seriously, so I wonder why no one did at DVH.
We knew something was wrong,
So now we know this tumor is large, deep in his brain, and runs from the front right hand side of his brain right along and is now in the back of his brain and brain stem. It’s a high grade Glioma.
We feel massively let down by DVH, the consistent failings are unforgivable.
Josh honestly is the strongest person I know. His humor and zest for life is pulling us all through ..but we need to be practical, Josh hasn't worked now for over 10 weeks and will not be able to return, the stress and worry about paying his bills and taking care of his 4 year old, is additional worry he does not need at this time.
We love Joshua so much and are absolutely heartbroken to see him like this. Josh is an amazing Son. He makes everyone he meets feel like the most important person. He is so unbelievably funny, kind, and selfless. He is a friend to all. We miss him every moment we are not able to be with him. We need him to come back to us, and we need help to give him the best chance at recovery. The road ahead is not going to be an easy one, but we are encouraged by Joshua’s determination and strength, we refuse to give up hope!
Thank you for your love and support not just now, but throughout our lives and moving forward. We are so grateful.
Eve, Dave & family.
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1 year ago
Eve Pateman
1 year agoSadly on the Sunday 17th September our beautiful boy took his last breath. He was honestly the bravest person we have ever met and our hearts are broken. Even though he was massively let down, he showed such courage and wanted to share his story and highlight the symptoms of brain tumor, so that no one else ever gets misdiagnosed or not believed. We miss our Son terribly and thank all who have been so very supportive of us during this incredibly difficult time. He leaves a massive hole in our hearts and lives x
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1 year ago
Eve Pateman
1 year agoShare this update to help us raise more
1 year ago
Eve Pateman
1 year agoHi all, We are totally blown away with the continued support for our Son Joshua. A little update we received confirmation from a brain biopsy Joshua has last week that this is a stage 4 Midline Diffused Glioma, and that the prognosis is that Joshua has around 3 months to live. As always he has remained strong and his beautiful, sweet and kind nature continues to shine through. Joshua has moved from Kings and in now in Greenwich & Bexley community hospice, where he will receive palliative care. We thank you for your love and prayers x
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Eve Pateman started crowdfunding
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Fred Friday KT Preceptory
Nov 13, 2023
So sorry to hear this tragic story.Our deepest sympathy to the whole family.
Dr Jake Hong
Oct 28, 2023
Wishing your family all the best, from the QEH (Woolwich) A&E doctor
Daisy and family
Oct 27, 2023
To remember a great friend
Paulette Kelleher
Oct 22, 2023
Oct 21, 2023
Tim Cross
Oct 18, 2023
Rest in Peace! Although I never knew you I heard of your story this morning in the Albany Cafe from your friend. Sorry I cannot donate more but hopefully it goes somewhere ❤️😊
Oct 17, 2023
So sorry for your loss My deepest sympathies to the family 🕊️

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