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Mathew Maltby raised £3,938.14 from 36 supporters
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Closed 02/04/2019
Iʼve raised £3,938 to Purchase and run a holiday home for kids suffering bereavement & mental health conditions.
- Cambridge, UK
- Funded on Tuesday, 2nd April 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
Jordan Maltby was a loving kind person that often put others 1st In their time of need, sadly on Christmas morning of 2017 Jordie unexpectedly passed away leaving nothing but a song he had recorded and a trail of broken hearts. A much loved Son, Brother, Grandson, nephew, cousin and all round good guy.
It was only in the period to follow that Jordies family found out that help for Children was scarse if available at all? Sometimes Children need an escape from reality or just a friendly ear to listen to them so this is why we‘re raising £100,000 for JOY to purchase a holiday home so families can indeed get away for a bit, families that already have the worry of paying for the funeral etc & cant afford to get that much needed respite.
So why not join us in creating that much needed & often desired breath of fresh air, somewhere different with no memories, somewhere where you can sit and take a deep breath, gather your thoughts, have a cry in private but most of all somewhere where children can escape normality for just a while, somewhere they can find a little inner strength that they need to help them through a traumatic time & somewhere they can simply be a child again.
You can also support JOY by purchasing Jordie's song Valentine - simply go to iTunes, search Jordan Maltby & purchase Valentine for just 79p and remember every penny is another step towards helping someone cope in their time of need.
- 6 years ago
Mathew Maltby
6 years agoThank you guys for the continued support, we have a long way to go still & loads of fund raising events for you to get behind in 2019 maybe even join us on Jordies Journey, but for now we just wanted to say a massive Thank You 🙏
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Mathew Maltby started crowdfunding
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Rebecca Maltby
Mar 8, 2019
Donation for Joy wristbands 😊
Feb 27, 2019
Our donation for our “Tichmas” bunting made by Val. ❤️
Tiffany Davison
Feb 5, 2019
Donation as thanks for my ‘Tichmas’ bunting ❤️
Luke Hale
Feb 2, 2019
William Neville
Jan 2, 2019
Please know that our thoughts, love and prayers are with you all in this new year. We hope that this year will bring some peace. Much love Will and Loop xx
Kayley Maltby
Jan 1, 2019
Starting 2019 with JOY .. xxx
Dec 25, 2018
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