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Prashant Kunwar, Alison Marston & Manish Tiwari raised £4,270 from 62 supporters
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Closed 08/06/2021
Iʼve raised £4,270 to Oxygen for Nepal Initiative
- London
- Funded on Tuesday, 8th June 2021
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The cases of Covid-19 are soaring at rates that the healthcare infrastructure can’t cope with and although people can lay blame at not enough being done soon enough, this doesn’t help the thousands being turned away from hospitals because there are no beds. Oxygen and medical supplies have almost run out and the scenes we have all seen of funeral pyres and people queuing for oxygen outside hospitals in India, are being replicated in Nepal. It is critical that we act now and work together to help Nepal!
The Need:
• 2 oxygen plants (and concentrators); these are industrial systems designed to generate oxygen from air as feedstock, separating it from other components of air using pressure swing absorption or membrane separation techniques.
• Oxygen cylinders to cope with immediate shortages
• Medical supplies, including medication to fight Covid-19
• Vaccines, to reduce the continued spread of the virus
The Plan:
• To lobby the UK Government to urgently send humanitarian aid and medical supplies to Nepal.
• To liaise with the different stakeholders that can help, such as the governments, the diplomatic community and international non-governmental organisations who want to and are willing to help. These talks have already been started and are ongoing.
• Fundraise to help those most in need and with the commitment to make sure funds are spent full transparently.
How you can get involved and support:
1. Write to your local MP, the FCO, the Prime Minister’s office or to the all-party parliamentary group (APPG) Chair or its members.
2. Sign the following petitions:
• https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/585395
• https://www.change.org/p/the-rt-hon-dominic-raab-mp-uk-send-oxygen-to-nepal-now?recruiter=1205004619&recruited_by_id=14e94300-b7bf-11eb-b788f53b463e0386&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=petition_dashboard
3. Tweet support for Nepal and ask anyone you know to, especially those with many followers.
4. Ask anyone you know who you think can leverage support or attention to get involved.
5. Raise funds or donate at: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/kprashantt?utm_term=njwqRkQgP
”Nepal facing ‘human catastrophe’ similar to India’s amid Covid surge “ ~ The Guardian
“Nepal's cases skyrocket, prompting concern the country's outbreak could mimic India's”~ The CNN
Hi all, as you know the situation currently in Nepal is pretty dire with the covid infection rate soaring very high, this has led to significant challenges in the health system. One of the major problems has been the lack of oxygen in the hospitals, hence I am initiating to send some oxygen concentrators to Nepal. This will help to saves many lives that are suffering due to lack of oxygen. I will be very grateful if you could help the cause by donating generously sooner so that we can act upon the need of the hour to save lives in Nepal. Any amount is appreciated. Nepal needs your support in one of the most humanitarian crisis amid covid surge.
Acting now will make the difference of life or death to thousands of people. Nepal is one of Britain’s oldest friends in the world, a friendship represented by generations of Gurkha soldiers and mountaineers. We must come to Nepal’s aid now. As Foreign Secretary rightly said “No one is a safe until we all are safe” The country now has one of the highest viral reproduction rates in the world, and one of the weakest health services. Nepal’s medical infrastructure has buckled. Patients are being turned away from hospitals. Many are dying for lack of oxygen right now.
The Nepali Health Ministry predicts that by 15 July the number of active cases will reach 800,000, resulting in ten critically ill patients for every ICU bed. Only 4% of Nepal’s population has received a dose of vaccine. The potential loss of life and economic devastation over the coming months is staggering, and preventable. Oxygen plants, cylinders, concentrators, and ventilators would be a vital lifeline.
- 3 years ago
Prashant Kunwar, Alison Marston & Manish Tiwari
3 years agoThank you so very much for your generous support. This fundraising page is now being closed in order to send the funds out to Nepal to support vital work helping those in critical need. Working closely with Manisha Koirala (Nepalese Bollywood actress & Social worker) and Paras Khadka (Nepal Cricket Captain) it has been identified that these funds would be best used supporting an initiative to install an oxygen plant in Western Nepal . I will be sure to update you on how you are supporting Nepal through this initiative.
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Prashant Kunwar, Alison Marston & Manish Tiwari started crowdfunding
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Jun 8, 2021
Mouzna Moosa
May 24, 2021
Manish Tiwari
May 23, 2021
Hope this makes a difference; Nepal is the oxygen generator; let’s alleviate any suffering
May 23, 2021
Makiko Sano
May 23, 2021
Good work !
May 23, 2021
May 23, 2021
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Prashant Kunwar, Alison Marston & Manish Tiwari
I am Nepalese by birth, currently living in London, UK. I consider myself as a living bridge between the UK and Nepal to promote the best of both countries. I have been supported by my good friends Alison Marston and Manish Tiwari to raise money for the cause.