Iʼve raised £70 to support renovations to the Red Terror Museum in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
- London
- Funded on Thursday, 16th May 2024
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In November 2022, Ethiopia's government and forces from the Tigray region agreed to a ceasefire, finally ending the war after two years of fighting that killed thousands of people and displaced millions.
The Red Terror Museum, a museum established in 2010 as a memorial to those who died during the Red Terror under the Derg government, was unfortunately a victim of the war. The museum has been vandalised throughout with much of the collection now unprotected.
The Red Terror is an important part of Ethiopia's history, with many of the survivors alive today. The museum serves as a reminder to what has taken place and what should not be repeated.
Last year during the ceasefire I was filming a documentary about a survivor of the Red Terror. We filmed in the museum, and whilst we were there, the chair of the museum expressed his sadness about what had happened to the museum and how history was being erased by the attack on the museum.
This fund will support the renovation of the museum and help pay towards any damages.
Any support will be much appreciated and all the money will go directly to the museum.
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Lily Usher started crowdfunding
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Lily Usher
Jan 17, 2024
The previous donates page expired, so transferring the money back to this page so we can keep raising money!
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Lily Usher
Documentary Producer. Producer of The Medallion (2023) BFI Doc Society, The New Yorker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bIAng6MLgM