We did it!
Julia Malahovska raised £7,710 from 130 supporters
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Closed 08/06/2021
Iʼve raised £7,710 to Help #endchildfoodpoverty
- United Kingdom
- Funded on Tuesday, 8th June 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Volunteering is at the heart of everything we do at MuleSoft, but the global pandemic has made it challenging to find ways to give back that also ensure we are staying healthy and protecting those around us. As we "do well and do good", we wanted to create an opportunity to include our broader eco-system and bring them on the journey to give back with us!!
In March, Muleys, their Salesforce collegues and partners will be coming together in teams of 5 to get active and support a fantastic cause to help #endchildfoodpoverty. Throughout the month each team will record their activity kms (running, walking the dog, cycling… whatever floats your boat!) to raise awareness and funds for a vital cause.
#endchildfoodpoverty was formed by Marcus Rashford to tackle child poverty and ensure that no child goes to bed hungry, an issue that has only worsened with the economic impact of the pandemic and homeschooling. So let's get active and raise money!
Updates appear here
Julia Malahovska started crowdfunding
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Fernando Augusto
Apr 14, 2021
Clare Gotts
Apr 13, 2021
Well done all on a huge achievement and especially to Dan Shepherd for being the best dressed cyclist in Surrey 👍 xx
Apr 12, 2021
Well done team!
Stephen Dickinson
Apr 7, 2021
Deborah Klein
Apr 6, 2021
Amazing cause, well done to all those who have participated!!!
Apr 1, 2021
Paul Billingham
Mar 29, 2021
Most of Lizzy’s kilometres have been stomping rather than walking. Being married to me can’t be all that easy I guess. 🤣 Lizzy Billingham
What is crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
The page owner is responsible for the distribution of funds raised.
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