We did it!
Margaret Stewart raised £590 from 36 supporters
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Closed 31/08/2021
Iʼve raised £590 to To pay for a plaque, to commemorate Mary Hare. She set up a school for the deaf in Brighton.
- Brighton
- Funded on Tuesday, 31st August 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Would like to fund a blue plaque on a house where Mary Hare set up a school for deaf children in Brighton. She was also a suffragette and started a women’s police force in Brighton. She later founded the Mary Hare Grammar School for the deaf in Newbury, Berkshire.
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Margaret Stewart started crowdfunding
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Jul 20, 2021
Read about Mary Hare in The Post, amazing woman!!
Julie Swayne
Jul 6, 2021
Great work should be rewarded
Laraine Oldfield / Callow
Jun 20, 2021
A great idea!
Jun 18, 2021
A great tribute to our founder of Mary Hare grammar school.
Cllr Steph Powell
Jun 10, 2021
What a great legacy. Happy to donate.
Cllr Hannah Clare
Jun 6, 2021
Just read about Mary in the 7 dials directory. Good luck
Nov 30, 2020
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