We did it!
John Hamilton raised £789 from 39 supporters
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Closed 17/06/2021
Iʼve raised £789 to raise funds for essential supplies for emergency homeless accomodation services and food parcels for struggling families in the community.
- Funded on Thursday, 17th June 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Hi all
I am going to walk or run 5k every day for the period of Lent - 40 days culminating on Easter Sunday.
This may not be a lot to many people however I have been seriously unwell for a while so this will be challenging to me.
My friends will accompany me for much of the time which is great.
I am looking to raise funds for those most in need in the local community. I will share any funds raised between Maryhill Community Champion - food parcels etc and Emergency Homeless services for essential items.
If we don’t raise anything then The exercise will have helped myself and those joining me physically and will certainly have improved mental health, so all in all It’s a win win situation,
Keep on Keepin on x
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John Hamilton started crowdfunding
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Apr 8, 2021
Well done John bhoy. Keep on keeping in mate.
Apr 6, 2021
Well done boys!
Apr 6, 2021
Well done John great effort every day from you guys x
Tony O’Kane
Apr 5, 2021
Brian Day
Apr 5, 2021
Well Done everyone 👍
Audrey Russell
Apr 5, 2021
Well done 👏
Apr 5, 2021
Great work 👏 well done 👏 💚
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
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