We did it!
Andy Barmer raised £865 from 18 supporters
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Closed 24/09/2016
Iʼve raised £865 to Save the Green Gap
- East Hagbourne, United Kingdom
- Funded on Saturday, 24th September 2016
Don't have time to donate right now?
We need your help to keep the Green Gap green. We’re raising money to help us fight Grainger PLC's appeal against the unanimous refusal of their application by SODC.
Every £25 we raise will help ‘save’ a little piece of Green Gap. We’re attempting to raise £12,500 in just 4 months to help us save it all.
This site is just one part of our fundraising campaign. To donate in other ways or to see how much we have raised so far visit mindthegreengap.org
How will your donation help?
Mind the Green Gap we will have the chance use the evidence of expert witnesses in the appeal. Their testimony will add weight and credibility to our position.
Prior to the Planning Committee meeting we received advice and support from one the UK’s most respected planning lawyers. We plan to retain them for this next stage.
Posters, leaflets, printing documents etc are unavoidable expenses. It’s important that we communicate our position and rally support effectively.
Please give as little or as much as you like. And please spread the word!
Thank you
- 8 years ago
Andy Barmer
8 years agoThis donation page has timed out. However, you can still make a donation to the fighting fund by cheque, cash or transfer. For details please go to http://mindthegreengap.org/fighting-fund/. Thank you to everybody who has generously donated to the fund. The fight goes on. Andy
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- 8 years ago
Andy Barmer
8 years agoWe're on fire! So far we've raised £8,825 (including £565 from this site). That's a long way towards our target. Thanks everybody!
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- 8 years ago
Andy Barmer
8 years agoWe've had a great response this week. We've now raised a whopping £8,525 (including £565 on this site). Thanks everybody. If you want to help more (and have some fun) why not come along to the Green Gap pub night on Monday 17th October. See mindthegreengap.org for more details.
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- 8 years ago
Andy Barmer
8 years agoWow. Great response so far. In total we've raised £7,250 including £540 from this site. Fantastic. Thanks all.
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Andy Barmer started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Sep 21, 2016
Anne Abraham
Sep 20, 2016
All the best to us!
Iain Duff
Sep 19, 2016
Doug and Carol Amos
Sep 19, 2016
Go Gappers!
Huw & Sian
Sep 18, 2016
Jane Randall
Sep 8, 2016
Keep up the excellent work, we really appreciate all the hours that have gone into the campaign so far. I've posted my comments on the Appeal website.
Sep 3, 2016
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Andy Barmer
East Hagbourne, United Kingdom
Mind the Green Gap is a campaign by townspeople and villagers to stop Grainger PLC’s high-density housing development on the Green Gap between East Hagbourne and Didcot.