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caroline gisbourne raised £550 from 34 supporters
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Closed 13/04/2021
Iʼve raised £550 to Help Autistic child fund his Support for a Healthy lifestyle.
- Camelford cornwall
- Funded on Tuesday, 13th April 2021
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Mitchell lives with a LIFE THREATENING CONDITION something people don't realise and something that's with me every single day!!
Being told 3 months ago by Dr. Lux from Bristol children's hospital that Mitchell ticked ALL the boxes and was top of the list for prescribed cannabinoid medication via the NHS - to a NO NOT A CHANCE!!
But might possibly be considered if i stop ALL medication including the cannabis oil and if he starts to have seizures again they MIGHT consider him!! So...They actually want me to put my childs life at risk 👌🏻
Mitchell is now 11 years old he is autistic and has epilepsy.
Mitchell caught Herpes simplex virus encephalitis in 2008 at 5 months old, resulting in severe brain damage, severe epilepsy, severe autism, pica syndrome.. just to name a few!
He was having 20 plus seizures a day... focal, Tonic clonic, absence seizures.
In the last few years he's undergone extensive brain surgery 2 x 8 hour Corpus Colonoscopy operations at GOSH to separate the left and right of his brain -
That didn't work and is still on carbamazepine and Rufidamid (Antiepileptic medications clearly don't work!) And ive now completely got him off Rispriadol (antipsychotic medication)
I used a CANNABIS CBD oil and it had instant effect. he was seizure free for a while but now he has had a few minor attacks and his behavior has deteriorated again. I have tried to get him more stronger CBD oil but it is very expensive so this is one reason funding is needed.
I am trying to secure a compassionate donation from a CBD supplier to help with this terrible situation of not being able to afford CBD oil to help keep him seizure free
Also the extra support from carers is needed.. he is now older and needs more support to go out places and get new play equipment for the garden.
There is not much support for special play equipment and a safe outdoor space for him to play in. i have a large garden what can not be used much as safety is a issue and needs work. a new fence is being put in but that is all that is being done. i would like to build a soft play area for him so he can sit in and enjoy the outside in summer. he has a trampoline and this can be put there also.
please help if you can so i can continue his care and support to lead a full of life as possible... many thanks.
- 2 years ago
caroline gisbourne
2 years agoStill waiting on the council to actually do something
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- 5 years ago
caroline gisbourne
5 years agoMitchell lives with a LIFE THREATENING CONDITION something people don't realise and something that's with me every single day!! Being told 3 months ago by Dr. Lux from Bristol children's hospital that Mitchell ticked ALL the boxes and was top of the list for prescribed cannabinoid medication via the NHS - to a NO NOT A CHANCE!! But might possibly be considered if i stop ALL medication including the cannabis oil and if he starts to have seizures again they MIGHT consider him!! So...They actually want me to put my childs life at risk 👌🏻
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- 5 years ago
caroline gisbourne
5 years agooh wow £500 raised so far ! Thank you guys so very much <3 xxx
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caroline gisbourne started crowdfunding
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Nov 2, 2019
margaret huxley
Aug 4, 2019
All the very best x
Jul 9, 2019
Just seen your video on Wolston social media sight. I have 4 young grandchildren and I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to be given a choice like that. I hope my small donation helps.
Jane Moore
Jul 9, 2019
Wishing you all the best with the fundraising.
kaye pinch
Jun 21, 2019
Wish I could spare more
Jun 18, 2019
Very glad you've found something that works, so all the best with getting funding. xx
Jun 7, 2019
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
caroline gisbourne
Camelford cornwall
I'm caroline, single mom to my amazing ginger ninja "mitchell" <3 Being told 3 months ago by Dr. Lux from Bristol children's hospital that Mitchell ticked ALL the boxes and was top of the list for prescribed cannabinoid medication via the NHS - to a NO NOT A CHANCE! please share