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David Hogg raised £2,255 from 28 supporters
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Closed 18/07/2023
Iʼve raised £2,255 to To raise money for a new racing wheelchair for GB athlete Richard Chiassaro and raise awareness for his children wheelchair athletic club.
- Funded on Tuesday, 18th July 2023
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Mobile Gym Fitness vs The Fan-Dance
The Fan-Dance is a 24km route march in the Brecon Beacons, infamous within the ranks of all UKSF soldiers as it’s one of the first major tests they need to pass to progress as Special Forces Service Personnel.
It is now over 50 years old and even today, still forms a major indicator of whether a potential UKSF soldier has the physical and mental determination to complete it within the cut off time set by the D.S (Directing Staff). The route starts and finishes at Storey Arms and ascends Pen y Fan which is 2,907 ft (886m). The turnaround point is at Torpantau - where I will have to quickly return using the same route back up and over Pen y Fan via a very steep path known as Jacobs Ladder.
Who Am I?
My Name is David Hogg and I am the Founder and Managing Director of Mobile Gym Fitness. We are the UK’s leading mobile fitness franchise providing opportunities for health & fitness professionals, the chance of owning and running their own business. In our specially developed mobile gyms.
As a company we are always looking at ways we can support our community and promote physical activity for everyone.
I’ve always enjoyed strength conditioning training as I’ve naturally been good at it, but when it comes to cardio or endurance training, I’ve needed to find that extra motivation to do it regularly.
As a Personal Trainer for over 20 years I’ve been helping my clients improve their fitness levels and push them out of their comfort zones and I thought I’d lead by example by signing up to the Fan Dance walk…..Eeekk!
I recently met a truly inspiring person Richard Chiassaro who is a wheelchair athlete from Harlow, Essex. Richard started his fitness journey playing wheelchair basketball at the age of 13 to improve he’s health.
In 2010 he discovered he had a natural talent for wheelchair racing and within just 2 years of training won Gold at the Paralympic World Cup and has since gone on to winning European championships and holds the British Record in the 200m, 400m and 800m! Richard is still in training for future championships and in his spare time for the past 12 years has been coaching wheelchair athletics to children with disabilities. The club has grown over the years and now has nearly 50 members for children over the age of 3.
Like any club, this requires a lot of money to continue to do the excellent work he’s doing as well as trying to pay for the repairs and upgrades to the wheelchairs Richard uses competitively.
So, to answer my question, why am I doing this?
I would like to raise £10,000 or more to replace much needed parts Richard racing wheelchair in the hope that he can go on to the Olympics and beyond, winning more championships, increasing his profile to raise more awareness to his club and the incredible work that he is doing.
All donations are graciously received, and any companies that donate £300 or more we will add you to our sponsor page as official sponsors and include your company’s logo on all our marketing material and on the Mobile gym Fitness website and social media pages.Many thanks and wish me luck on the Fan-Dance!
Follow me here on FaceBook and Instagram to see my training journey where I’ll interview some amazing people along the way!
- 1 year ago
David Hogg
1 year agoSo this weekend I'm off to Ireland for two days of training, lets hope the weather is good to me like it was in Spain!
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- 1 year ago
David Hogg
1 year agoSpain training weekend...
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- 1 year ago
David Hogg
1 year agoJust completed a day of walking in Spain, 23kg on the back and the feet are feeling a little sore! Tomorrow I’m hoping to complete 5 hours walking…
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David Hogg started crowdfunding
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Jun 20, 2023
Well done.
Anne Giardelli
Jun 19, 2023
Well done David
Carol & Del
Jun 18, 2023
Well done David. Brilliant achievement. Love Carol & Del
Jun 18, 2023
Top work
Jun 16, 2023
George and Nikki
Jun 16, 2023
Good luck mate x
John Wilton
Jun 15, 2023
Good luck Dave
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