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Dr Mohammad I Adil MBBS FRCS raised £1,427 from 55 supporters
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Closed 16/01/2024
Iʼve raised £1,427 to Dr Mohammad Adil knocked the Supreme Court for Justice against glaring defects of judgement made by 2 Appeal Courts, Aiming for £50,000.
- Funded on Tuesday, 16th January 2024
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Dr Mohammad Adil FRCS Ed UK.FRCSI has been suspended since 3.5 years of his opinion on Covid-19 in standing for the cause of public in protecting Human Rights & Freedom of speech ,Liberty ,Civil rights and Medical ethics in UK.
Dr Adil is standing against whole of the Injustices suffered in the hands of the GMC and MPTS along with glaring defects in the judgement of the 2 Appeal Courts recently which are open to the secruitiny by the Supreme Court. We are Aiming to generate £50,000 for contesting ongoing injustices against him & his family by the Supreme Court. Please support him to secure JUSTICE for him.
My Story : It was begining of 2020 when a wave of Covid -19 announced from Wuhan, China engulfed the entire globe .It was an unprecedcented event in the history of mankind which resulted ,closure of borders of the countries , complete lockdown which caused serious blow to public welbeing, health, economy freedom and eduction of the children with complete darkness, confusion resuting serious stress and anxiety among public during the time of the wilderness. Large number of people died of lock down ,FEAR, isolation,depression ,stress & anxiety especially the elderly ,underprivileged adults & children .Horrors of the deaths in the nursing & care homes due to neglect with use of respiratory depressants would remain unforgettable.
This was followed by roll out of unlicenced ,experimental mRNA vaccine with full indemnity. Big pharmas made trilions out of this business from public.
There has'nt been any thought to initiate Robust scientific debate prior to imposing such a horrindous restrictions and lock down on the public.
I was unable to swallow misery of the public and went on to the social media and released couple of videos over the social media to alleviate FEAR, stress and anxiety sustained by the public created by the mainstream media and the government agents and initiated a scientific debate to reach to the root cause analysis .
However this wasn't appreciated by the medical establishment ,NHS and Medical Regulator and I was suspended by the General Medical Council on 01/06/2020 for 40 months without any notification or charge sheet .I had no Clinical, Ethical ,anti social or patient related complaint whatsoever.
I went to the High Court in September 2022. But unfortunately my legal advisors have not been able to represent my case properly without bringing the facts of the case to the Court which resulted loss of my two appeals in the High Court in April 2023 and November 2023.
Now I have knocked the doors of The Supreme Court for the justice for several reasons as below.
1.The huge injustice at the hands of GMC/MPTS unlawful, and prolonged suspension order for 40 months which destroyed my career ,reputation and livelihood.
2.Glaring defects in the judgements made by the two Appeal Courts are open for scruitiny by the SC.
3.Thirdly vindictictive removal of me from my job as a higly skilled ,experienced and kind surgeon to my patients especially treating my cancer patients with empathy and devotion without any notification on 01/06/2020 by the GMC for 40 months.
4.This means that many thousands of fellow humans under my treatment might have valready died who had lived and many will be having distressing and painful syspmtoms due to crippling diseases which would have advanced to later stage as a result of my sudden suspension order since 01/06/2020.
Therefore I have lodged an appeal in the Supreme Court against the unlawful suspension by the GMC and inderminate decision by the two appeal courts who had validated GMC decision.
Moreover vast majority of my colleagurs & counterparts are speaking out against Covid, vaccine and lockdown but they have been given green signals by the GMC considering their rights of opinion over social media. Some doctors have been involved in serious crimes , indecent assaults, sexual misconducts not only with their patients, but also with their relatives and junior colleagues by harrassments and black mailing within the hospital premises for over 3 years but they were only given warning without affecting their career and practice.
The legal process has been extremely expensive and upcoming steps may cost £ 50,000 .Therefore I need your kind support for the justice as legal actions would have implications for each and everyone of us during this strange time .This holds paramount significance as it reveals around our fundamental rights, freedom ,independence and medical tyranny when 8 million patients are suffering with debilitating diseases to be seen by the doctors .
Your Support :
I would like to request your generous donation to support the cause of humanity and justice .You know it involves Court Fee and cost of the barristers and solicitors . Moreover, In case we lost the case we will have to pay fortune to the second party which is GMC for the cast .Securing justice in this country is expensive, tidious and delayed but we will continue striving for the human rights and justice.
Just Giving crowed funding page is attached underneath this statement . Please donate generously to raise the funds to support the JUSTICE .
The details of my account are also underneath for your convenience.
Please share this page widely on all the social medias and your websites to send the message to 8 billion people across the world for whom I had taken stand to protect their fundamental rights and injustice .Thank you so much for your ongoing and generous financial donation,and encouragement.
Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil
Consultant General ,Colo rectal & Breast Cancer Surgeon
Account No .00109536 , Sort code. 83-19-19,
IBAN: GB69RBOS83191900109536
Royal Bank of Scotland, 30 Nicolson street, Edinburgh, UK
Mr Mohammad I Adil
Tel.+ 44 7872969928

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Dr Mohammad I Adil MBBS FRCS started crowdfunding
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Dec 31, 2023
You are on the right side of history, stand strong
Dec 31, 2023
The world needs people like you Doc. Made of steel!
Dec 13, 2023
Dec 11, 2023
"When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers." - Proverbs 21:25. Hang in there!
Dec 10, 2023
Good luck
Ian G
Dec 5, 2023
Fight the good fight Dr Adil.
Dec 2, 2023
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Dr Mohammad I Adil MBBS FRCS
Mr Mohammad Adil is FRCS ( Fellow of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, UK & Ireland ) Specialist Surgeon in Bowel & Breast Cancer Surgery .He is expert in General, Emergency and Laparoscopic Surgery with 30 years of unblemished record while working for the NHS in UK.