We did it!
Morris Gallagher raised £410 from 13 supporters
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Closed 24/03/2023
Iʼve raised £410 to Fund the production of a booklet to help stressed and burnt-out doctors
- Gateshead
- Funded on Friday, 24th March 2023
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How it started
I first heard Dr Richard Duggins, psychiatrist and medical psychotherapist, talk about doctor stress on a training day. He shared his 15 years of experience treating doctors with stress, burnout, anxiety and depression; one message was that doctors tend to leave it late before seeking help. He was keen to reach more doctors. As a GP photographer, Dr Morris Gallagher, I wanted people to see and react to my photographs about how doctors respond to stress. We joined forces to produce this zine/booklet, which is aimed at helping stressed and burnt-out doctors.
What will our zine/booklet look like?
It will be a 34-page image-text zine/booklet with an introduction about the size of doctor stress, photographs about personal responses to stress, advice on recognising stress in yourself and others and what to do about it, and a directory of helping services.
What do we need to raise and why?
The money will pay for the design of the print and e-books, a support website and other things. The authors will make no profit from this book. Any profit from this crowdfund and the sale of this booklet will go to the charity 'Doctors in Distress.'
To learn more about this project and the costs involved, click here.
- 2 years ago
Morris Gallagher
2 years agoThanks to all our contributors. This money will pay half the costs of the booklet designer. We will ensure that everyone who contributes gets a free copy of the booklet or download. These will be available in February after the booklet and download are launced. This will raise money for Doctors in Distress.
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- 2 years ago
Morris Gallagher
2 years agoThank you for your contributions so far. We may not be at target, but the money today, £340, will pay for half the cost of the booklet designer. That's a big help. Feel free to share with others.
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Morris Gallagher started crowdfunding
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Les Monaghan
Jan 19, 2023
Email if you need any help or advice, Morris.
Adam Kibirige
Dec 28, 2022
Dec 13, 2022
Looks good - I wish you well
Helen Rosemier
Dec 5, 2022
Good luck Morris!
Luke Sayers
Nov 26, 2022
Good luck with a great looking project
Phil Brookes
Nov 26, 2022
Great work, well done!
Judith Stevens
Nov 25, 2022
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Morris Gallagher
DR MORRIS GALLAGHER is a GP and photographer working in the northeast of England.