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sophie wiggins raised £760 from 60 supporters
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Closed 23/10/2016
Iʼve raised £760 to Help raise money for the children in St Peters after an attack on their mum has left them without anything after their house was burnt down
- Thanet District, United Kingdom
- Funded on Sunday, 23rd October 2016
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As you have all heard there was a lady attacked in St Peters and her house burnt down. We as mums ourselves have decided we are going to try and help her and her children as they have lost everything. Donations of any kind i am sure will be greatly received.
- 8 years ago
sophie wiggins
8 years agoWe would like to thank everyone for being so kind, im sure the amount raised will be greatly received. Your support has been amazing xxxx
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- 8 years ago
sophie wiggins
8 years agoThank you all for being so generous look what we have achieved in just 10 days xx
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sophie wiggins started crowdfunding
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Avril Moore
Oct 1, 2016
Sep 30, 2016
Sep 30, 2016
Sep 28, 2016
Our thoughts are with you all
Sep 28, 2016
Sep 28, 2016
Sep 28, 2016
God bless xx
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
sophie wiggins
Thanet District, United Kingdom
Being mothers ourselves we feel for the children and their mum as they have lost everything in the fire. We are trying to raise as much money as possible for the lady and her kids. To help with the struggle of rebuilding their lives after this attack on them and their home.