We did it!
Louenna Hood raised £174,059.15 from 2329 supporters
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Closed 28/06/2022
Iʼve raised £174,059 to help support the families of Ukraine
- Funded on Tuesday, 28th June 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
Thank you for the overwhelming response.
Louenna is going to visit Moldova in the next few weeks to meet with her contacts and clarify how best this money can be spent, so that it reaches those families in need.
Like everyone else, here at Nanny Louenna we are horrified and shocked at the scenes from Ukraine.
We can't believe what innocent children and families are having to go through. We will be sending lots of items to help these families next week and would greatly appreciate any donations such as nappies, wipes, blankets, clothes and dry food.
If you would like to support this cause but can't get to the shops, we will use the money donated here to buy the essential items needed on your behalf.
Love the Nanny Louenna Team 💛
- 3 years ago
Louenna Hood
3 years agoWe can't believe how generous everyone has been - thank you so so much for all your support. Love Louenna & The Team 💛
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May 30, 2022
Re perfume sales %
Breen Equestrian
May 11, 2022
Richard Easterbook Philip judge auction
May 4, 2022
Well done to all. I know first hand how much help this is to the people of Ukraine I my self traveled to Livi in Ukraine the first weeks of the war with my own truck load of aid. Amazing people 😀
Diana Hood
Apr 18, 2022
Thank you for supporting people like me! Keep up the good work!
Deirdre Patching
Apr 10, 2022
Amazing total such an achievement. Congratulations.
Broom family
Apr 8, 2022
David Mouland
Apr 8, 2022
Well done great work.
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
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