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Neil Bryan raised £50 from 1 supporter


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Closed 31/08/2022

raised of £500,000 target by 1 supporter

    Iʼve raised £50 to raise ongoing funds to enable those less able to survive, evade, resist and escape emotional abuse globally.

    Funded on Wednesday, 31st August 2022

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Thank you for taking the time to navigate to our Just Giving page.

    Here at Narshole the Lonely Monster, Narcissist Escape Tools (NTLM NET) we are striving to enable those in emotionally abusive relationships to free themselves from the hell they find themselves trapped in by enabling better education, adopting SERE principles (Survive, Evade, Resist and Escape) and to provide small financial grants to pay for onward travel to escape an abuser.

    If your here then you may well have heard my PodCast at or may well have watched my mug on the YouTube Or more likely have stumbled across my often inane answers on Quora! Either way... It's really important at this time that you know fully that you, like the many out there still facing abuse, are not alone. Whilst it may feel like a mountain to climb you have to take some solice in knowing that each step you take, however small it may feel that one day you'll look back on these moments and hopefully realise just how monumental and massive these initial steps truly are. Take the leap, help you to help yourself and above all else please remember to be kind to yourself along the way.

    At Narshole the Lonely Monster, Narcissist Escape Tools (NTLM NET) we want to fill the void whereby good people have the will power, desire and strength to leave an emotional abuser but often they sadly don't have the financial backing to do so. We want to do as much as we by the creation of a global Non-Profit organisation focusing on financial assistance to those less able and to ensure suitable educational tools are available to those who want or need the help.

    These are small steps toward the grander goal however if you did find my answers useful or it gave you some peace and more knowing about what your enduring, and if you can, then please do consider a donation here to only help grow a pot of cash to be disseminated to those less able, to fund educational tools, and the buddy mentoring app.

    I know this may seem like a big ask and indeed a big task but at NTLM we have plans to eradicate narcissism by educating others so that the type may be avoided and with full transparency. Check out our website landing page here for further information and where six monthly accounts will be fully published as we grow - this is so if you do donate whatever you can, you can see exactly where your money is being spent.

    We will also be launching the buddy buddy App in the coming months where those that are struggling with emotional abusive relationships can be matched up directly with a suitable mentor to help them along the way. If you would like to be a mentor at launch please check out the website and add your details to the sign up page.

    Thank you again for taking the time to even read this blurb, and to consider donating what you can. I believe it's time for positive and robust action and to further help where we can, who we can.

    For more Narshole the Lonely Monster content please also consider heading over to my Podcasts at and do consider subscribing to the small but growing YouTube channel to see my mug almost live.

    And, if you think we can help, please also consider a gander at my Quora for more answers than you can shake a stick at.

    Thank you, peace ✌



    Neil Bryan

    Updates appear here

      3 years ago

      Neil Bryan started crowdfunding

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      Page last updated on: 8/31/2021 20.36



      • Cynthia Hourihan

        Cynthia Hourihan

        Aug 31, 2021

        Thank you for all you do to help others


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