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David Willis raised £952 from 35 supporters


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Closed 17/08/2021

raised of £5,000 target by 35 supporters

    Iʼve raised £952 to create a lasting legacy to commemorate the forgotten National Servicemen who served in the British Military between the years 1945 to 1963

    Funded on Tuesday, 17th August 2021

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    National Servicemen were conscripted into the British Military at the age of 18; for most of them, just three short years after leaving school. Far too young to vote, or marry without their parents consent. And yet many of these young men were thrown into war zones and other areas of conflict and danger with only the most basic training as soldiers, sailors or airmen. Regrettably, large numbers of these young men died or experienced life changing injuries' and/or death inducing health conditions as a result of their service, yet disconcertingly their service and sacrifice has largely been forgotten. War memorials have , quite rightly, been placed in market squares, town centre's, churches, memorial gardens and other public spaces throughout the length and breadth of the country. However National Service memorials can only be found in a handful of British locations. The National Service Veterans Alliance is a group of former National Servicemen who believe it is our duty to ensure that we establish a lasting memorial that faithfully commemorates our 16 long years of loyalty and service to our country.

    You can help make this happen! Please support our campaign by donating to Mike Homer's 100 mile Wheelchair Challenge on 17th May 2021. Details to follow shortly.



    • David Willis4 years ago
      David Willis

      David Willis

      4 years ago

      With cash paid directly into the bank we now have over £1000....

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • David Willis4 years ago
      David Willis

      David Willis

      4 years ago

      The last photo of this update.......soaked to the skin, both Mike and David made their separate ways home to a hot bath and a warm meal. The end of a long , but rewarding day. Our duty completed with grateful thanks to everyone who has helped , supported and donated to the campaign to ensure that National Servicemen throughout this great country of our will never be forgotten

      Update from the Page owner

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    • David Willis4 years ago
      David Willis

      David Willis

      4 years ago

      Of course Mike Homer in his wheelchair was unable to personally lay the National Service Veterans Alliance wreath, and so David Willis, NSVA Chairman also made the journey to Princes Risborough to fulfil our obligations to our 2.2 million comrades.

      Update from the Page owner

      Share this update to help us raise more

    4 years ago

    David Willis started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 8/5/2021 14.07



    • Anonymous


      Aug 5, 2021


    • Margaret and Derek

      Margaret and Derek

      Jun 27, 2021

      Hope it all goes well Mike xx


    • Anonymous


      Jun 24, 2021

      A MA ZING

    • Roy Hunt

      Roy Hunt

      Jun 18, 2021

      I took the train from Guildford to Reading where I met mike and accompanied him to his next bus. Wished him good luck and waved him off. Well done MIke, Here is a top up to my 1st donation


    • Gillian Culmer

      Gillian Culmer

      May 20, 2021

      Met Mike Homer in Guildford on Saturday - good luck with the campaign!


    • In memory of my husband who was in the services

      In memory of my husband who was in the services

      May 20, 2021

      Well done !


    • Jackie & Ian Kemp

      Jackie & Ian Kemp

      May 19, 2021

      All the best David and thanks for supporting him Roy.


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    David Willis

    David Willis


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